Task 1: Unequal Power Relations Read the text of the police station interview on pp. 16-17 of Fairclough (1989). Briefly discuss the answers to the questions that follow (next slide):
The Police Interview… Write a short paragraph to answer each question below: Where does the interview take place? Is the relationship between the policeman and the witness an equal one? Give reasons for your answer. How can the policeman “mitigate the demands he makes” of the witness i.e. make the demands less severe so that she feels at ease? How does the policeman exercise his control (i.e. power) over the witness? Where does he get his power from? To what extent is language use “arbitrary” i.e up to the individual to use it in any way s/he likes? Do you think the police station scene is similar to one in your own country?
Task Submission Instructions Submit your printed copy answer to Task 1 to UPMET latest by one week before the mid-semester examination Send a soft copy of your answer by e-mail to faiz@upm.edu.my