THE STORY SO FAR: MIND THE GAP Ruth Cairnie Chair, POWERful Women @_PfWomen #PfWConf THE STORY SO FAR: MIND THE GAP Ruth Cairnie Chair, POWERful Women POWERful Women Annual Conference 16 May 2019
TARGETS ON GENDER BALANCE Davies/Hampton-Alexander: 33% women on FTSE 350 boards by 2020 PfW: 30% of energy executive board positions to be held by women by 2030 PfW: 40% of energy middle management roles to be held by women by 2030 What gets measured gets managed! #PfWConf
CURRENT STATE OF PLAY: Energy sector board statistics 2019 . #PfWConf
THE STORY SO FAR … BEHIND THE STATS What is really going on behind these statistics? Only 8 companies meet the Davies target of 33% board seats by 2020 – down 1 from last year Only 6 companies meet the PfW target of 30% Exec Board seat by 2030 – also down 1 from last year Total board seats has reduced from 502 to 480. However, important to look at the picture the percentages paints. 22 women joined energy company boards (7 were lost) but we still see little progress in balance overall. #PfWConf
FUTURE-PROOFING ENERGY BUSINESSES Better decision-making and new thinking 19% Higher innovation revenues for companies with above average diversity on their management teams Just one female on the board cuts the risk of going bust by 20% #PfWConf
THE ENERGY SECTOR OF THE 21ST CENTURY NEW SKILLS & CREATIVITY FOR A TIME OF UNPRECEDENTED TRANSFORMATION Decarbonisation and new sources of energy Emerging markets - eg flexibility New industry structure and business models Changing customer expectations and affordability The role of technology and innovation Digitalisation Skills gap - need for diversity of skills and talent #PfWConf
FOCUSSING ON THE LARGEST EMPLOYERS Did you know that fewer than 20 of the UK’s energy companies account for 75% of those directly employed in the energy sector? If they all took positive steps to accelerate action on gender balance we would reach a huge proportion of the UK energy workforce. Any organisation can start out on that journey today by making a public pledge. And POWERful Women will support you on your journey. #PfWConf
POWERful Women encourages progress through: WORK WITH US POWERful Women encourages progress through: reporting: celebrating success and showing room for improvement advice and mentoring for aspiring women (eg POWERful Connections) practical support for companies (eg D&I working groups) corporate leadership (sponsors and pledges, the Energy Leaders’ Coalition) working with government (BEIS leadership) and other organisations Join in! @_PfWomen
AND FINALLY … “In a world where the expression ‘war for talent’ has never been more true, you can’t rule out 50% of the world. Likewise, when challenge and fresh thinking is key to decision-making, you must have ‘diversity of thought’. People from different backgrounds, gender and race bring that.” Steve Holliday FREng FEI, former CEO, National Grid #PfWConf