Genesis 15 is a series of tests and conditions which God gave to Abraham from chapters 12 through 22. The theme of Grace not works becomes the central motif of Genesis. Verse 6 is crucial to NT theology. Contextual Insights
4 Critical Responses All of God's dealings with humans are based on His unchanging, merciful character and His initiating love, however, God has also purposed that humans made in His image must respond to His love by repentance, faith, obedience, and perseverance. These requirements are fundamental, not only in Genesis, but throughout the entire Bible.
Historical Narrative When dealing with historical narrative, one must continue to ask, “Why Record This?" (See Fee and Stuart, How To Read the Bible For All Its Worth).
Genesis 15 (CEB) Please turn in your bibles this morning to Genesis 15. I will be reading this morning from the Common English Bible.
What’s Happening? Doubt is a powerful thing. Abram experienced doubt. God made a promise and covenant with Abram that his decedents would be to numerous to count. God would make Abram’s decedents a Great Nation and Bless the World. What’s Happening?
God Fulfills His Own Promises God knows Abram’s doubts and visits him in a vision. Abram isolates and whines. God responds and goes double down on his promise. God Fulfills His Own Promises
Abram’s Self-Reliance Abram Doubts Abram and Sarai try to make their own nation through Hagar. Hagar’s child is not the child of promise, but the child of a slave. Abram’s Self-Reliance
God’s Promises Our text implies the *Protector and reward are God Himself. *(Protector, Shield, or Benefactor)
God’s Perfect Love God accepted Abram, not because of his perfect faith, but because of God’s perfect love.
God’s Acceptance Even amidst doubt God accepted Abram and, so too, us. (cf. John 20:24-29).
John 20:24 CEB 24 Thomas, the one called Didymus, (or the twin) one of the Twelve, wasn’t with the disciples when Jesus came.
John 20:25 25 The other disciples told him, “We’ve seen the Lord!” But he replied, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands, put my finger in the wounds left by the nails, and put my hand into his side, I won’t believe.”
John 20:26 26 After eight days his disciples were again in a house and Thomas was with them. Even though the doors were locked, Jesus entered and stood among them. He said, “Peace be with you.”
John 20:27 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here. Look at my hands. Put your hand into my side. No more disbelief. Believe!”
John 20:28 28 Thomas responded to Jesus, “My Lord and my God!”
John 20:29 29 Jesus replied, “Do you believe because you see me? Happy are those who don’t see and yet believe.”
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross is an intensified version of what Abram experienced. At the Cross, no animal was killed. Instead, it was the Son of God who was torn apart. Kingdom Carryout
In Genesis, if the covenant is broken the guilty may be cut in two, or present a sacrifice. At the cross, we see a better sacrifice and an even better covenant. God has be torn open for us. Jesus paid it all for you and for me. BIG AMEN!!!! Kingdom Carryout
No punishment remains for those who believe in Jesus. AMEN! Instead, all that remains are all of God’s promises. AMEN! Our Part? Do as Abram did, and receive the promised of God with faith. Kingdom Carryout
Kingdom Carryout Child of promise vs slave. We are enslaved when we try to be a part of God’s family and bring about his promises on our own strength and effort. Kingdom Carryout