A, Proportion of variants detected in the MMR genes. A, Proportion of variants detected in the MMR genes. B, Proportion of different types of variants in MMR genes. C, Proportion patients with positive family history criteria per MMR gene mutated. D, Proportion of tumors displaying MSS, MSI-L and MSI-H per MMR gene. E, Correlation between loss of IHC expression and gene variant location. Abbreviations: Ams, Amsterdam criteria; Beth, Bethesda criteria; Ams/Beth, more than one family with the same variant with a different criteria; MSS, microsatellite stable, MSI-L, microsatellite instability-low; MSI-H, microsatellite instability-high. Ester Borras et al. Cancer Prev Res 2017;10:580-587 ©2017 by American Association for Cancer Research