Cred Believe
Ac cred i ta tion Cred en tial Cred i ble Cred it Cred i tor Cred u lous Creed Dis cred it In cred i ble In cred u lous
Accreditation (n): Approval Belief in a school Gladstone earned their accreditation over 30 years ago.
Credential (n): A Document That proves a person is believable. My credential got me back stage at the Just Beiber concert.
Credible (adj): To be Believable Reliable The upset boy’s story was credible.
Credit (v): To believe That someone will do something. I give her credit that she will quit smoking by next month.
Creditor (n): A person Who believes that he will be paid back the money that he loaned. The creditor expected his money by the 16th of the month.
Credulous (adj): To believe To easily, easily convinced, easily fooled. The credulous dog is easily manipulated.
Creed (n): A set Of religious beliefs or principals. He has his own creed that he lives by.
Discredit (v): To refuse To believe; to reject as untrue. The lawyer will try to discredit the witness on the stand.
Incredible (adj): Not believeable unlikely I just can’t believe how incredible those Incredibles are!
Incredulous (adj): Unable To believe; unwilling or unable to believe. He had this incredulous look on his face after I told him the news.