WELCOME to Jefferson Morgan Middle/High School General Rules & Policies Introduction #3
Building Surveillance The high school utilizes digital surveillance cameras positioned at various locations through out the building/grounds. The high school reserves the right to utilize these cameras and the images they capture for the prosecution of any individual involved in inappropriate/illegal activity in the building or on the campus.
School Nurse The School Nurse is located on the 1st floor Students wishing to see the nurse must obtain a pass from their teacher and then report directly to the nurse. All student medications must be registered with the nurse. Students are not permitted to possess any prescription or over the counter medication. This includes; aspirin, Tylenol, cold medication, allergy medication, etc.
Student Parking Student parking on campus is by permit only. Only students with notes from BOTH parents/guardians in the office may ride in the a student’s car. Students must park in the assigned area closest to the road. All students driving to school MUST enter the building through the front entrance, Non-permitted vehicles on campus will be ticketed and/or towed at the owners expense. The school district claims no responsible for any privately owned vehicle parked on campus. Student parking privileges can be removed by the building administration for misconduct and violations of building rules & policy. Vehicles parked on school property are subject to search.
Hall Passes Students are not permitted in the hallways during class time without a signed pass from their classroom teacher. IT IS THE STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN A PASS BEFORE LEAVING THE CLASSROOM.
Textbooks & Equipment All textbooks and various misc. equipment are furnished to our students at no charge. It is the students responsibility to take the best possible care of these items. If these items are lost, stolen or damaged it is the students responsibility to make restitution before a replacement item is issued. Payment for the above items must be made before a student is cleared for participation in graduation.
Visitors Students are not permitted to bring visitors to school at any time. Parents/Guardians and any other visitors must report to the Main Office immediately upon arrival. Visitors violating this rule could face possible prosecution.