96Boards 2x20 header Power 12V 3.3V DES0558_10 Block Diagram V0.1


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Presentation transcript:

96Boards 2x20 header Power 12V 3.3V DES0558_10 Block Diagram V0.1 Barrel Connector Power 12V 3.3V DES0558_10 Block Diagram V0.1 14 SEP 2017 96Boards 2x20 header SYS_DCIN 8-18V 5.0V 1.8V Activity LED (Red) PWR_BTN Pushbutton ON LED (Green) RST_BTN Pushbutton Digi XBee 3.3V U.FL GPIO Level Shifter RESET UART0 UART U.FL 1.8V 3.3V GPIO Level Shifter PMOD SPI Type 2A SPI0 PMOD GPIO Type 1 1.8V 3.3V I2C1 Level Shifter PMOD I2C 2x4 1.8V 3.3V UART1 Level Shifter GROVE UART GPIO GROVE DIGITAL 1.8V 5.0V Level Shifter I2C0 GROVE I2C GROVE I2C 1.8V 5.0V