Safety in the East Area Renovation Project East Hall under construction - 1962 Safety in the East Area Renovation Project LF. ANDRE on the behalf of the East Area Renovation Project Team 28.06.19
Index Safety Events Project safety organisation Works and Services Supervisor handbook Safety documentation WPSR contents LF. ANDRE, 28-06-2019 EARP Safety Status
Safety Events (1/3) Asbestos incident B251 (18.03) Extract from EDMS 2169791 v0.4 LF. ANDRE, 28-06-2019 EARP Safety Status
Safety Events (2/3) Asbestos incident B251 (18.03) – EN/DSO Feedback Context : Absestos has not been identified at each phases of the dismantling of the «selecteur de ligne». Recommandations for the WPL : The work package leader shall anticipated and included the HSE experts in the preparation phase and forseen “point d’arret” during the activity. Recommandation for the WSS : The VIC shall analyzed all the risk, includling workplace hazards, coactivity hazards and potential impacts of the activity (method statement). The «point d’arret» shall be scheduled and materialized on site After a «point d’arret» a new complet risk assessment has to be performed and recorded. LF. ANDRE, 28-06-2019 EARP Safety Status
Safety Events (3/3) Water infiltration B157 (11.06) Many thanks to C. Brouard and A. Ebn Rahmoun LF. ANDRE, 28-06-2019 EARP Safety Status
Reminder on the Project Safety Organisation (1/2) According to the CERN safety rules (GSI-WS-01) and the scope of the project : All the works are related to the categorie 2 operation Safety is managed by the group with Pdp and VIC The project technical coordination team is in charge of : The coordination of all the activities and the prepapreness/updating of the planning The management of the coactivity (it could request to perform VIC) The communication of all relevant information LF. ANDRE, 28-06-2019 EARP Safety Status
Reminder on the Project Safety Organisation (2/2) We ask to the WSS to : Declare their intervention in IMPACT Respect the planning and instructions given by the project coordination team Assess the risk associated to their working procedure Obtain the required authorization before starting the work (lock-out, IMPACT validation…) Assess the impact of their intervention in term of safety Organise the VIC Follow up the works and keep update the project to all the events associate EROS gives support for the VIC LF. ANDRE, 28-06-2019 EARP Safety Status
Support EDMS 2062035 French version of the document : EDMS 1895229 LF. ANDRE, 28-06-2019 EARP Safety Status
Safety documentation Radiation shielding design still on going with the ground load problematic. Courtesy to E. Harrouch and all the team involved Work Package Safey Review (WPSR) Aims : Verifiy the adequation with HSE requirements (LSA and HSE safety clearance) Check the needs in term of specific risk assessment Ensure that we have all the necessary inputs for the safety documentation How : Meeting with Work Package Leader, PSO and Safety Files editor Complete a generic form with all the relevant safety aspects LF. ANDRE, 28-06-2019 EARP Safety Status
WPSR : Contents (1/2) Description of the system The function of the system Breakdown of the system in subsystems, assemblies or equipments Where is it installed ? (supply a plan) Which organic unit / collaboration partner / industry is in charge of design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance List of Hazards Identify the hazards which may appear during installation, operation, maintenance and dismantling of the equipment For each hazards identified, will try to know the circumstances of this occurrence, how to mitigate the hazard and the mitigation measures already in place Assess if the current mitigation measures are sufficient or not (if not see next chapter) LF. ANDRE, 28-06-2019 EARP Safety Status
WPSR : Contents (2/2) Risk assessement Perform the risk assessment for hazards identified in the precedent chapter. Using the Safety Form OHS-0-0-1 provided by HSE. Which additional mitigation measures have to be implemented Safety information Where the safety information is archived (links) for eaches phases (Design document, commissioning, working procedure, maintenance,…) First WPSR on going with the beam intercepting devices EN/STI many thanks to E. Grenier Boley LF. ANDRE, 28-06-2019 EARP Safety Status
Thanks for your attention ! LF. ANDRE, 28-06-2019 EARP Safety Status