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Presentation transcript:

²ë½£ëò©Ä©É´¾ Christ's Love ²ë½£ëò©Ä©É´¾ ¥¤¦ñëÀ¦ó­ ©É¸¨¦÷©Ã¥¨ò­©ó À²¾½Ä©É´ó°øɧȺ¨ ²ë½Àµ§ø§ö¤ °©«¸¾¨ªö­Àº¤ À¯ñ­À£ˆº¤®ø§¾Ä«È Âê©£ö­ ®¾®êñ¤¹ì¾¨ Ã¹É²í­©É¸¨£¸¾´À§ˆº 1 of 4 Prakit Daima, Jong Sunrasern, Duai Soot Jai Yin Dee Por Daimee Poosoi, Prajesu Song, Pod Tavai Thon Eng, Pen Keung Booxa Tai, Tod Kon Bap Tung Lai, Hai Pon Duai Kuam Seua

²ë½£ëò©Ä©É´¾ Christ's Love 2. ¥¤À®…¤£¸¾´»ñ¡ ¢º¤²ë½®ò©¾ °øɧö¤¯½ê¾­²ë½ ®÷©ê»ñ¡ºö¤©¼¸ ²ë½Àµ§øÄ©É Â°©»ñ¡¦¾Ã¹ÉÀ»ö¾ ²í­¥¾¡¡¾­êö©ìº¤ ²ë½Àµ§ø°øɧȺ¨ ²ë½Àµ§ø°øɧȺ¨ 2 of 4 Jong Beung Kuam Huk, Kong Pra Bee Da, Poo Song Pra Taan Pra, Boot Tee Huk Ong Dieo, Pra Jesu Dai, Pod Huk Saa Hai Hao, Pon Jark Karn Tod Long, Pra Jesu Poo Soi, Pra Jesoo Poo Soi

²ë½£ëò©Ä©É´¾ Christ's Love 3. ¹´øÈÀ»ö¾¥½À¹ñ­ À´õº¤®ðëò¦÷© Àµëø§¾Àìñ´Ã¹¼ú ìö¤´¾¥¾¡¦¸ñ­ ´¾ÁªÈ²ë½À¥í¾ ¯½¡º®©É¸¨ëñ¦´ó »÷ȤÀ»õº¤¢º¤²ë½ºö¤ £ö­ê÷¡£ö­êÀ§ˆº ¥¤£º¨«É¾²ë½ºö¤ 3 of 4 Moo Hao Ja Hen, Meuang Bo Ree Soot, Jerusalem Yai, Long Mar Jark Sa Vun, Mar Thae Pra Jao, Pa Korb Duai Rus Sa Mee, Hoong Heuang Kong Pra Ong, Kon Took Kon Tee Seua, Jong Koi Tar Pra Ong

²ë½£ëò©Ä©É´¾ Christ's Love 4. °øÉê´ó­ÕÃ¥ µ¾¡»ñ®²ë½ºö¤ ¥¤À§ó­ ²ë½ºö¤´¾ µøÈí墺¤ªö­ ¢ð²ë½¸ò­¨¾­ °©¦Èº¤Á¥É¤Ã­ Ã¥¢É¾ ¢ðùɲ뽺ö¤À¥í¾ ¦½À©ñ©´¾Â©¨À»¸ ¦½À©ñ©´¾Â©¨À»¸ 4 of 4 Poo Tee Mee Num Jai, Yark Hub Pra Ong, Jong Seun Pra Ong Mar Yoo Nai Jai Korng Ton, Kor Pra Vin Yarn, Pod Song Jeng Nai Jai Kar Kor Hai Pra Ong Jao, Se Ded Maa Doi Heo, Sa Ded Mar Doi Heo