BEING AN APOSTATE TODAY AROUND THE WORLD Criminalization, persecution, discrimination, and stigma
Growth & Development Officer Giovanni Gaetani Growth & Development Officer
Structure What is FoRB – and why humanists campaign for it? What is apostasy? Countries that punish it Some individual cases Discrimination in absence of criminalization “Us” and “them”? Apostasy and blasphemy in Europe How Humanists International helps apostates
And why humanists campaign for it WHAT IS FoRB? And why humanists campaign for it
Freedom of Religion or Belief FoRB Freedom of Religion or Belief
Article 18 of UDHR “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.”
United Nation Human Rights Council
General Comment 22 “Article 18 protects theistic, non-theistic and atheistic beliefs, as well as the right not to profess any religion or belief. The terms “belief” and “religion” are to be broadly construed.”
Ashraf Fayadh Accused of: promoting atheism in his poetry insulting the Prophet Muhammad, “having long hair” entering into illicit relationships with women Sentenced to death for “apostasy” by beheading by sword. “Repentance” rejected but opportunity to appeal the verdict.
Ashraf Fayadh
Discrimination in absence of criminalization
Where apostasy is not a crime Apostates are persecuted for other crimes, like blasphemy or terrorism Religious fundamentalists take justice into their own hands There is a suffocating stigma on atheists
Gulalai Ismail
Mashal Khan
Apostasy and blasphemy in Europe “Us” and “them”? Apostasy and blasphemy in Europe
Apostasy is legally recognized in
The End Blasphemy Laws campaign
“Islamic states often justify their blasphemy laws by pointing to the existence of those in Europe, calling Europeans hypocrites for advocating for abolition whilst still having their own.” Andrew Copson
Blasphemy laws in Europe Austria Cyprus Finland Germany Italy Liechtenstein Montenegro Poland Russia Turkey United Kingdom (Scotland)
Countries that did #EndBlasphemyLaws since 2015 Malta Norway Denmark France Iceland Canada Ireland New Zealand Greece
How Humanists International helps apostates And how you can contribute THANK YOU!