Fig. 4 Randomized benchmarking measurement. Randomized benchmarking measurement. (A) Schematic of the randomized benchmarking sequence. The upper panel is a reference sequence consisting of m random Clifford gates. The lower panel is the interleaved sequence used to measure fidelities of a specific test Clifford gate Ctest. The sequence is repeated for k = 16 choices of sequences to obtain one point. (B) Reference randomized benchmarking for two different microwave amplitudes. The inset shows the quality factor measurement for Gaussian microwave burst, which shows a result that is similar to the one for rectangle microwave burst. (C) Interleaved randomized benchmarking for single-step Clifford gates. The table on the right shows fidelity measurement results for several single-qubit gates. The fitting error of each gate fidelity is smaller than 0.1% for the reference and all interleaving measurements. Kenta Takeda et al. Sci Adv 2016;2:e1600694 Copyright © 2016, The Authors