MAXIMIMIZING RELATIONSHIPS WITH PARK & RECREATION DEPARTMENTS Noel Munivez, Hayward area Recreation & Park District Bryan cobb, Newark recreation and community services dept.
FIELD RENTAL PROCESS Meet deadlines Know the process Permitting fields – do’s & don’ts Blanket permitting field space Unused field space – provide practice schedules & game schedules Per hour rental rate vs. per player rate Number of players in respective clubs
Be a good partner Be a good community partner to all youth groups (soccer, lacrosse, baseball, softball, cricket, rugby) Monthly meetings with recreation dept. staff or monthly meetings with rec staff and other youth groups Involve your club in community events City representative sitting on your board (member at-large)
Field conditions Take ownership of “your” fields Report any safety concerns or issues Adhere to any policies regarding field use during/after inclement weather Maintenance plan/preventative maintenance plan – familiarize or recommend Liability Rain – impact to all – each agency has different policies – educate yourself with those
communication Start to build rapport with the “field guy” Sole point of contact for club Know who to contact for each specific issue (recreation, Parks, Maintenance, Public works) Celebrate your successes – go to a board/council meeting to update dignitaries on your club - “out of sight out of mind” Constant communication with all coaches Report injuries – we are both in this together
Other items Put informal agreements in writing Educate through the board transition process Get all of your annual paperwork in order (IRS declaration letter, rosters, by-laws, insurance, etc.) Providing player info – AB-2404 discrimination: athletic programs Concussion protocol Background checks, tb test Extra layers now…
Questions/comments Noel munivez, hayward area recreation and park district Bryan cobb, Newark recreation and community services