World- Class Engineering Solutions In Aerospace Comprehensive Solutions World- Class Engineering Solutions In Aerospace Infotech HAL Limited 4th Floor 110 A&B Electronics City Bangalore – 560100
A Joint Venture Public Limited Company About Us Core competence of Two , Unified to provide World – Class Engineering Solutions in Aerospace Comprehensive Solutions Operational Excellence Customer Intimacy A Joint Venture Public Limited Company Incorporated on : 23rd August 2007 Commenced Business : 23rd January 2008 Share Capital : 28 crores
The Environment Buyer-seller Design and development Change in relationship: Buyer-seller Purchase, technology transfer /licensed production Design and development Coproduction, participation in manufacture to Partnership Change in rules( DPP): Offset 30% -50% for sales over $65 million USD Emphasis on design, development and coproduction, participation in manufacture Aerospace market: CII projection is from $155 Million now to 1Billion by 2010 Nasscom- Booz Allen Hamilton projection is 3 billion by 2020 Goldman – Sachs projection is BRIC economy to overtake G6 by 2050 10/17/2019 Confidential
The Vision To provide high quality and cost effective comprehensive engineering and supply solution for the global aerospace market spanning the entire product life cycle Testing & Validation Manufacturing Engineering Range of offerings Applications, Tools & Processes Production Engineering Product Engineering Customer Value Concept Engineering After Market Services Process Quality Cost Schedule Customer Requirements 4 10/17/2019 Confidential
The Services 5 10/17/2019 Confidential Structural analysis Testing & Validation Concept Engineering Production Engineering After Market Services Manufacturing Engineering Product Engineering Structural analysis Static Structures Rotating structures Rotor dynamics and loads Case and externals Linear & non-linear dynamic analysis Rotor dynamics and engine loads Development of Macros and ESW FAA report writing Design & Production Definition Legacy Conversion Reverse Engineering Solid modeling Project engineering support Redesign for product improvement, cost reduction, weight Reduction Conceptual design of components Aerodynamics 2D & 3D CFD analysis Code development Benchmarking of commercial CFD codes Validation of test results using CFD Thermal engineering Compressor & Turbine Rotor Thermals Compressor & Turbine Case Thermals Test Data reduction ,data matching & analysis Technology improvements & ESW updates 5 10/17/2019 Confidential
The Services 6 10/17/2019 Confidential Performance & simulation Engine System performance analysis Field support Test support & test report writing Performance and simulation analysis Code development for performance & simulation Control & Diagnostic Systems Advanced diagnostic and engine management Field support Test support Engine health monitoring Air & Oil systems design and Integration 2D and 3D CFD analysis Technology development and ESW update Legacy & OCE engines modeling & SF analysis Test support, Data reduction ,data matching & analysis SF analysis of advanced and developmental engines Thermal managements systems Nacelle and ventilation systems CIPT & IPT Multi disciplinary team proficiency Standard work compliance OCE corrective action programs Rigorous root cause investigation using field data High fidelity analytical simulations 6 10/17/2019 Confidential
The Services 7 10/17/2019 Confidential Global Material Support capabilities Reverse Engineering Repair mapping and development Salvage clinic Patent search and mapping Manufacturing planning, Process planning Tool design Global Support Engg. capabilities Airline support & cactus wires Repair design and validation Repair mapping & documentation Airfoil repairs Case and combustors Rotating structures repair Design Metallurgy support Manufacturing Engineering Process Engineering & Reviews Process Compliance and validation Tooling services Manufacturing program management Special process quality checks Quality assurance Solumina Implementation support Maintenance Data Service Engg. CMM’s - New & Revisions Repair writing Service Bulletin Updates Illustrated part catalogues Conversion to electronic manuals 7 10/17/2019 Confidential
The Capability Aero Structures The Structures Team provides services for new product development, continuous product development and repairing processes to its clients. Some of the significant areas of support have been: • Bladed rotor dynamics • Impact dynamics • Component lifing (LCF/ HCF) • Multidisciplinary Optimization • Methods and Tools Development. The team has competencies in all leading FEA tools like MSC / NASTRAN, ANSYS, ABAQUS, LS-Dyna,Pro / Mechanica, I-Sight, etc., and has been using these along with leading product design tools such as UG, Pro / Engineer and I-DEAS and CATIA for providing world-class support to its clients. Heat Transfer Expertise The team conducts thermal and CFD assessments for commercial and industrial engine components. The scope of heat transfer work includes development and validation and finite element models against actual test data and provides thermal analysis for durability assessment of components. 8 10/17/2019 Confidential
The Capability Aftermarket Services 9 10/17/2019 Confidential The Aftermarket Services Group currently provides spares and repair and overhaul support to customers worldwide. Engine service and overhaul centers are vital parts of the support chain and they rely heavily on Aerospace Engineering Capability. IHL with its trained and experienced engineers can support all 'airlines repair and overhaul' customers throughout the world. Our services are in the area of: • Repair process development • Application engineering • Propulsion system analysis • Reverse engineering. Aero-engines Repair Development engineers are trained to recommend specialized repairs for all engine hardware such as rotors, stators, externals, cases, mechanical components, casings, airfoil and combustors after studying the relevant documentation 9 10/17/2019 Confidential
Capability Matrix Focused Areas & Roles 10 10/17/2019 Confidential Sl No Steps DESIGN % of contribution Role Sl No Steps DESIGN % of contribution Role Sl No Steps DESIGN % of contribution Role 1 Conceptual Design 30% Support - Constraint Analysis - Mission Analysis - Propulsion requirement analysis - Cycle Selections 2 Component Design - Fan/Compressor - Combustion Chamber - Turbine LPT 20% - Turbine HPT 10% - Intake/nozzle 3 Matching of Components 4 Cycle analysis: parametric & off design performance analysis 5 Component Pro-type Manufacture 6 Component Testing 60% Support 7 Engine Layout 30% 8 Structural Analysis 70% Lead 9 Rotor Dynamic analysis/vibration analysis 50% 10 Detailed Component Design 11 LRU Design/matching 40% 12 Engine testing 80% 13 Redesign and analysis - iterations 14 Certification 15 Documentation 16 TOT to manufacturing 17 Design of Tools, Jigs Fixtures 18 Turbine Engine Life Management 50% Support 19 Air system design & Integration 30% 20 Engine Controls 20% - Engine valves - Electronic fuel controls - Mechanical fuel controls - Heat exchangers - Air Turbine start systems - Active side stick - ETRAS( Electro Mechanical Thrust Reverser Actuation System) 10 10/17/2019 Confidential
The Capability Opportunity Framework High Low 11 10/17/2019 Confidential
Our Credentials Concept Engineering Conceptual Design Analysis - Structural - Thermal - CFD - Vibration Optimization studies
Our Credentials Stress and vibration analysis Product Engineering Stress and vibration analysis 2-D and 3-D thermo-mechanical modelling and analysis 3D Modeling 2D Drafting Geometric Dimension & Tolerances
Our Credentials Manufacturing Engineering Manufacturing Program Management Manufacturing Process Planning Tool Design 3D part planning NC Programming Vericut Simulation Repair / Assy. Process planning
Our Credentials Testing & Validation Aero Engine Testing Aero-Thermal Rig Testing Aero-Acoustic Testing Flow Testing Component Testing - Fatigue - Vibration
Our Credentials After Market Services Technical publications Repair design and advice Service bulletins Testing, performance analysis Health monitoring and Reliability analysis Fleet Management Program monitoring After Market commercial support - Warranty
The Team Performance Model 17 10/17/2019 Confidential
The Benefit Overall 22% savings 18 10/17/2019 Confidential Re- Design ( 30%) Tooling (27%) 22% Manufacturing (18%) Overall 22% savings 18 10/17/2019 Confidential
The Performance Enablers Productivity Gainer Support Communities Assets Templates Coding Standards and Guidelines Reusable Components Best practices Lesson Learnt Technology Updates Current Events Cross CoE Interaction Technology Sharing Cross Business Knowledge Sharing Challenging technologies Educational Sessions by Premier Universities Professors In House Automation Tools Jigs Fixtures Training Classroom Training 75 + CBT Titles G Knowledge Management – A Key Delivery Enabler 19 10/17/2019 Confidential
The Metrics Analyze Measure Improve Control Define Effectivity On-time Delivery Defects & Simulated Feedback Estimate Compliance 10/17/2019 Confidential 20
Thank You! 10/17/2019 Confidential