Administrative Dimensions of Tax Reform Presentation at World Bank, April 2003
Overview Tax administration and tax policy Tax administration reform Issues and examples
Tax Policy and Tax Administration Tax policy + no administration = 0 No policy + administration = policy Tax policy + administration = real policy
Task of Tax Administration How much? How? How costly?
What Have We Learned? Know the environment Keep it simple Taxpayer as “client”
The Tax Evasion Game The pP approach The players The context
Compliers and Non-compliers Different values? Different incentives? Different policies?
Environmental Factors “Culture” Politics Law Economics
Economics of Tax Administration Inputs Production process Outputs
Key Elements Information system Rewards and penalties Strategies ECM
Tax Administration Reform The will A Strategy Resources
Facilitating Compliance Identification Assessment Collection Service
Keeping Taxpayers Honest Know the problem Monitor closely Enforce
Controlling Corruption Incentives Training Organization Monitoring
Coping with Inflation Collection lags Enforcement Assessment
The Hard-to-Tax Type I and Type II errors Objectivity Uses and limits of presumption
Penalties No cheap finance Focus on key points Keep it reasonable
Amnesties Ever popular Almost always bad
Organizing to Tax Revenue authorities Large taxpayer offices Privatization
Computerization TINs Re-engineering organization The human element Buy don’t build
An Example - Poland Policy formulation Sequencing issues Attitudinal change