Nashwaaksis Memorial School PSSC presentation- Sustainability Study feedback Welcome and thank those in attendance Nov. 1st, 2018
Nashwaaksis Memorial School (NMS) General Strengths Committed teachers- involved in committees, initiatives and engaged in School Improvement Plan Active Nashmore Parents Association Active PSSC BOKS- parent led open gym time for students Enbridge Tutors ELF Leo Hayes Leadership Club Co-op and University students Student Clubs and Student lead Clubs Reinforce some of the strengths that were originally highlighted at the Sept. 27th meeting
NMS General Challenges Limited space (SLP, PT, OT, EA, staff meetings) Washrooms (sinks are being installed to assist with this) Close to Main Street- traffic, safety is a concern Attendance- chronic absenteeism for some families Fence needs continuous maintenance Double classes in gym, gym smaller that current regulation size Again, highlight/reinforce items brought forward at the Sept. 27th meeting
NMS Building Challenges No mechanical ventilation in the school except for exhaust fans serving washrooms No sprinkler system Washroom access for the 6 portable classrooms is inconvenient There is asbestos present in the building (wall and ceiling plaster, some floor tiles and pipe insulation). The presence of asbestos makes renovations work more challenging but can be safely managed by trained staff. ***Yes, more sinks are being installed to help with the washroom access for the portable classrooms.
Considerations NMS Building Challenges Maintain status quo at NMS Provide for repairs to NMS Build a new school, closing NMS and combine with McAdam Ave School Review the options for consideration that were brought forward at the Sept. 27th meeting by the District as a result of the Sustainability Study
Considerations NMS Building Challenges PSSC supports option 2 or 3 2. Providing for repairs to NMS 3. Building a new school to combine NMS and McAdam Ave students PSSC support options 2 and 3. I think that we all agree that maintaining the status quo is not an option given the enrollment numbers and the list of challenges that has been identified by school and district personnel (including physical plant staff) It is also important to mention that both 2 and 3 come with pros and cons. Choice 2- will bring the building up to code (sprinklers, ventilation system, exterior doors..) although there will continue to be some concerns in relation to the size of the gym, meeting space for staff and outside support workers, no cafeteria, no special care resource room, continued use of portables Choice 3- would be ideal, new facilities, more space, regulation size gym, music and performing arts room, health and multi-functional room, visiting professionals room, dedicated parent/bus drop area. This option would provide all students, teachers, administration and families with safe and functional space to learn and grow.
NMS PSSC Feedback PSSC supports the administration and staff of NMS Appreciate prompt attention to repairs to the school to continue Continued open communication with DEC and School District Staff as process moves forward We support the school administration, support staff and teachers. This is a great school with committed teachers, community and parent support. We understand that to date requests for repairs have been handled promptly, we appreciate that and hope that this continues regardless of the decision made by the DEC We all need to be engaged to ensure all students, now and into the future, have a safe, functional, and welcoming space to learn and grow. As the process continues to move forward we are requesting continued communication and consultation between school administration, DEC and District staff with engagement of the PSSC and community as appropriate.
NMS PSSC Feedback What can be done in the interim to support NMS (students, teachers, administration and support staff) as they continue learn and grow within the physical space of NMS? We recognize that this may not be an item for the DEC to act on right now, however we do wish to acknowledge that- A new school would not be built overnight, a new school would be at least 5 years down the road. We ask that the DEC and School District consider what can be done to help support staff and students as they continue to thrive and learn in the physical space that they have. Be proactive and supportive, are they further supports that could be put in place to help in the interim to support the students, teachers, administration, support staff and community?
Questions ? Thank you for the opportunity to be involved in this process. We appreciate your time and the amount of work that goes into making an informed decision and we are happy to engage in further opportunities to collaborate with the DEC or District to help support NMS.