Your Title Here SWE HQ Please use this template for your presentation and include each slide shown throughout.
Housekeeping Notes: Live Web Session Find the recording in Advance within 72 hours Download handouts! Type in your questions! Cw – Q&A during extra time
Download handouts and resources Housekeeping Notes: On-Demand Web Session Download handouts and resources
Professional Development: Advance Learning Center eLearning courses Diverse podcast Web sessions On-demand web sessions Committee Live Events SWE HQ From Moderator Script and Guidelines: Today’s webinar is hosted by SWE. Before we get started, I’d like to offer some background knowledge about our organization and its mission and goals. For more than six decades, SWE has given women engineers a unique place and voice in the engineering industry. We’re centered around a passion for our members' success and that means stimulating women to achieve their full career potentials as engineers and leaders. SWE professional development focuses on a variety of learning methods, and is designed to suit all learning styles. Access SWE’s on-demand and live content through our Advance Learning Center – just click Advance Learning Center under the Learning tab on the SWE website. Find everything online
Program Sponsor Thank you, [SPONSOR]! SWE HQ Delete if not applicable. If applicable – sponsor companies receive the following with their sponsorships: Free access (code) to send to their employees (along with instructions) so that their employees can participate live or view the recording. They also get their logo on all advertisement (blog/social/email/etc) and on the slide deck as a sponsor (they get a thank you at the end and the beginning). They are also given the opportunity to provide a speaker from their organization to provide a few words and welcome the subject matter expert.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) This webinar has been accredited with .1 CEUs from the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). In order to earn CEUs during this event, you must: Be active and engaged throughout the entire webinar (answer polls, follow-up survey, etc.) Pass the “Knowledge Check” quiz, available in the course in the Advance Learning Center after this session is over SWE HQ Delete if not applicable. If applicable - this is a standard slide explaining how participants can get CEUs. Please do not change this slide.
Learning Outcomes Presentations must have learning objectives
Summary & Action Items After presenting your content, provide a summary of what you presented and ACTION ITEMS that they should now be able to do as a result of participating. Refer to your learning outcomes used at the beginning of your presentation. Example: After participating in this presentation, you should now be able to: Demonstrate SWE’s suggested presentation outline format. Describe how to write learning outcomes which are measurable. Identify PowerPoint Best Practices
Find the recording in Advance! Thank you! SWE values your participation and interest in our educational events. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts by completing our survey. Find the recording in Advance! For further information on other educational events, please visit the Advance Learning Center 2.0 @ or text SWE Advance to 56512. No changes are needed to this slide.