Single path routing in most of the servers Multipath Routing Present scenario Single path routing in most of the servers Drawbacks If some bottlenecks restricted bandwidth slow network resource 10/24/2019
Alternative Connect the two ends through multiple independent routes Advantages Increased bandwidth Faster network services 10/24/2019
To achieve this, following functions need to be modified which are normally called for a single path routing Server calls socket( ) Bind( ) Listen( ) Accept( ) Client calls Socket( ) Connect( ) 10/24/2019
General Idea To use a number of proxy servers over the internet as intermediate connection points through which independent routes to the destination can be established 10/24/2019
New Scenario Multipath senders Multipath receivers Incoming request of the client has to chopped to be sent to different proxy servers Multipath receivers Incoming responses have to be assembled before being sent to the client Connection Relay Server Proxy servers on the Internet 10/24/2019
Design Sender Receiver Proxy Server Multi path Sender Multi path 10/24/2019
Conclusions Design a new library of function calls for multipath server, multipath sender and connection relay servers. The library should allow the sender to express the list of connection relay server proxy servers used. 10/24/2019
References THE-SWITCH-by Rich Seifert(Chapter on Link Aggregation) 10/24/2019