KEY THOUGHT The extent to which you help your boss achieve his/her goals, is the extent to which your boss will work on and enable your promotion.
HOW TO MAKE YOUR BOSS WORK FOR YOU! Understand: Your company How is it structured? How am I going to be assessed or appraised? What are the requirements for the next step? Your boss (and the boss of your boss too!) How do they like things done? What drives them? Schedule regular review meetings. Your co-workers Find out; how can I work effectively with them? Be approachable.
HOW TO MAKE YOUR BOSS WORK FOR YOU! Focus: What are the goals of your team / department? Know your target and how it connects with that of your boss. Ask about progress and how it is measured. Understand his/her priorities… and be flexible to adapt if necessary. Be proactive: Put yourself in your boss’s shoes Think ahead Don’t just point out the problem, be prepared to provide solutions.
HOW TO MAKE YOUR BOSS WORK FOR YOU! Application: The Contribute -> Grow -> Develop Cycle Do your work Understand the minimum requirements and timelines Deliver on the minimum and go beyond Communicate: Provide regular feedback / updates. Invest in yourself Identify trainings / courses / learning opportunities Study (read books, articles, manuals etc.); learning never ends Think value… always. How can I make it better, do it faster, make it easier? See a need, fill the need. Avoid the ‘it is not my job’ trap: Stay open to new challenges
THANK YOU Deeper Life Bible Church The Netherlands …earnestly contend for the FAITH which was once delivered unto the SAINTS (Jude 3)