Have the Guts to Take Absolute-Control of Your Sales-Time... Forget 'Time-Management'... Have the Guts to Take Absolute-Control of Your Sales-Time... Get a Handle on Things Once and For All! Joe Ellers
Get your head out… Everyone plays games Most play the “magic” game The better ones play “checkers” The best play “chess” What game are you currently playing?
Time Management vs. Time “Control” Urgent Not Urgent Important 1 2 Not Important 3 4
Taking Control… Starts with a good plan What (exactly) are you trying to do with your life (job, family), etc? Get Real. Write down what you want to accomplish by the end of the year…
For salespeople What are you doing today to: Find new customers? Find new decision-makers? Find new opportunities? To move opportunities forward? If you’re not doing this, what are you doing? (Because ultimately, it really doesn’t matter…) Ideally, at least 60% of your day is doing these things…
How much time do you actually spend doing the right things? Consider the list on the last slide… Even better, do a time log… What do you really do? You have to change some things
A few “processes” That (previously-mentioned) thing about actually having some concrete, written goals A willingness to review it (that thing) regularly to remind yourself of what you said was important A daily, written, prioritized plan to do something The force of will to do what (you said) is important The courage to acknowledge when you are just too tired (or too lazy or just don’t know how) to do what you said you would do
The Most Important Thing To reduce the time you have to work… The scheduled next step Every sales interaction should end with an attempt to schedule what happens next…and you should have an idea of what they next step is…before you take the first step
As you look back… At the end of your career, what do you want them to say? What do you have to do now to start? What do you have to do (all-the-time)? Is it in you?
Doing the “inconvenient” thing… Successful people are willing to sacrifice today for a better tomorrow Good results require effort If you work hard to a purpose in the short-term, the long-term gets easier… Most people don’t have the commitment required to be great. Do you?
What are You Going to Do About It? If you’re a sappy dillatant satisfied with mediocre results and wasting a lot of your time and that of others, than do nothing! Continue wasting everyone’s time…. BUT if you’re a super-star or have ambitions of being one, take ‘dictatorship’ type control of your life and time and quite allowing people to steal your time (including yourself) What‘ll it Be? Decide Now, Either Way is Fine, But Just Decide! (Please check one) Sappy Time-Wasting Dilatant Super-Star Master of My Own Time