How to use this template: Delete this text box to insert your custom design & content. Use ONLY accessible, standard sans-serif fonts: Arial, Calibri, Geneva, Helvetica, or Verdana Use a minimum 28pt font size (the size of this text) Include the following minimum details: Event Name/title Date & time Room GC host/sponsor (department, office, center, initiative, etc.) If including a description/speaker bio/etc., use no more than 50 words. This is what a 50 word text sample looks like: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin tincidunt justo quis iaculis sodales. Proin ullamcorper purus sit amet leo pellentesque ullamcorper. Nunc porta mi lectus, sit amet varius quam lobortis in. Curabitur finibus est at nisl egestas luctus. Nam et elit ut tellus posuere tempus quis porttitor turpis. Morbi. If you’d like to change the background of the slide to a color or image, you can either insert an image file or a shape with a fill color. Video how-to’s: Insert an image | Insert a shape with a fill color Note: images should be about 15”x23” to fit the screen size. Do not use a smaller picture and attempt to enlarge it in PowerPoint as this will affect the image quality.