The preposition à and the verb ALLER D’Accord 1 Leçon 4A.1
The preposition à The preposition à contracts with the definite articles le and les. It does not contract with la and l’.
Point de départ In Leçon 1A, you saw a form of the verb aller (to go) in the expression ça va. Now you will use this verb to talk about going places and to express actions that take place in the immediate future. Note that aller is irregular. Only the nous and vous forms resemble the infinitive.
Aller + infinitive= le futur proche (immediate future) Aller can also be used with another verb to tell what is going to happen. This construction is called le futur proche (immediate future). Conjugate aller in the present tense and place the other verb’s infinitive form directly after it. Aller + infinitive= le futur proche (immediate future) * Note that you can use the infinitive of aller after the conjugated form of aller to say that you are going to go somewhere! Nous allons aller à la boîte de nuit ce soir.
Aller + infinitive= le futur proche Aller can be used with another verb to tell what is going to happen. Conjugate aller in the present tense: Je vais… Nous allons… Tu vas… Vous allez… Il va/Elle va/On va… Ils/Elles vont… Then place the verb’s infinitive form directly after it: Je vais aller à la banque. Il va manger le sandwich. Nous allons parler au professeur. To make the futur proche negative, place the ne/n’ in front of the conjugated form of aller and the pas after it: Vous n’allez pas visiter le musée. Ils ne vont pas bavarder pendant la classe.