Maximum intensity projection of a time-of-flight angiography (TR, 28 ms; TE, 4.92 ms; matrix, 704 × 576; FOV, 163 × 200 mm2; 92 sections; section thickness, 0.75 mm; bandwidth, 105 Hz/pixel; flip angle, 25°) at 3T showing the clear depiction of even very sm... Maximum intensity projection of a time-of-flight angiography (TR, 28 ms; TE, 4.92 ms; matrix, 704 × 576; FOV, 163 × 200 mm2; 92 sections; section thickness, 0.75 mm; bandwidth, 105 Hz/pixel; flip angle, 25°) at 3T showing the clear depiction of even very small vessels. Bernd L. Schmitz et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2005;26:2229-2237 ©2005 by American Society of Neuroradiology