Pregnancy Year 8 Science
Sequence ovulation fertilization implantation growth birth
Copulation: Two people joining together for sexual reproduction Ejaculation: The process of sperm and seamen leaving the penis Fertilisation: When one sperm penetrates the egg Zygote: When the sperm meets the egg and forms the first few cells of a baby Blastocyst: A fluid filled sack full of cells Implantation: The blastocyst attaches to the uterus lining Embryo: Developing baby <9 weeks old Keywords
Development of the fetus
Amniotic Fluid: Protects the embryo and keeps temperature constant Placenta: Allows nutrients and oxygen from the mother to enter the baby, Allows the babies wastes such as carbon dioxide to be removed via mother. Fetus: Developing baby >9 weeks old Labour: This process involves the birth of the baby Afterbirth : Involves the placenta leaving the mother Keywords
Development of the Embryo
The baby is connected to the placenta by the umbilical cord The baby and mothers blood do not mix
Stages of Labour Abdominal pain – uterus contracting and relaxing Abdominal pain becomes stronger and closer together Dilation occurs - the cervix relaxes and widens The baby’s head starts to pass through the cervix The baby is born Stages of Labour
Stages of Labour Continued… The umbilical cord is cut and tied After birth - placenta is expelled from the mother Stages of Labour Continued…