MQXF-11T Integrated Schedule A. Grande MQXF CERN Technical Meeting 8th May 2019 CERN
Index Structure of the planning Planning overview Series production of the 11T Models, both MQXF and 11T MQXFBT Prototype Summary table Next steps Antonio GRANDE
Structure of the planning The objective is to merge the previous plannings to have a clear overview of the tasks related with the production and the testing of the different magnets: Series production of the 11T Models, both MQXF and 11T MQXFBT prototype Resources will be taken into account while planning to avoid over-allocation of them This can impact significantly the planning ! DRAFT Antonio GRANDE
Planning overview – Series production of 11T The 11T production planning is being simplified to a “resource level” For the first study of the MQXFBT prototype’s cold mass, the simplified planning of F. Savary has been taken into account and Cold mass assembly activities have been split into 7 steps DRAFT Antonio GRANDE
Planning overview – Models DRAFT Typical production sequence Typical assembly sequence Typical testing sequence In yellow: testing duration depends on tests performed (to be verified) In green: sequence verified in meetings Antonio GRANDE
Planning overview – MQXFBT Prototype The welding press would be the bottleneck A slot of ~4w is necessary An extra week would be needed to align the cradle for 11T magnets Delay? ! a DRAFT F. Savary’s planning has been slightly modified to apply the usual duration of a typical Cold Mass Assembly (need verification) In orange: steps in welding press Antonio GRANDE
MQXF Prototype Cold mass Summary table Summary table Magnet Proccess Start date Finish date Comments SP107 Fabrication 29-11-18 31-05-19 Depends on 180s activities starting Cold Testing (SM18) 03-06-19 01-07-19 SP108 24-01-20 01-04-20 Depends on material availability 04-05-20 DP201 12-06-19 19-09-19 17-10-19 MQXFS6 30-04-19 26-06-19 02-07-19 29-07-19 MQXF Prototype Cold mass 20-05-19 25-11-19 (7-10-19) Option b SP109 MQXFS4 Antonio GRANDE
Next steps Simplification of the 11T series production planning. The minimum level should be the “resource level” Meetings to verify the duration and starting of all the activities Introduce all the resources in every task Antonio GRANDE
Thank you