ISU Extension Weekly Outlook 20 May 2019 Dennis Todey Director, Midwest Climate Hub Charlene Felkley Coordinator, Midwest Climate Hub
Sunday 4” soil temperature Slow improvement in soil temperatures. Avg. 4” soil temps mostly upper 50s north to 60s south.
USDA NASS Crop Progress (through May 12) Very slow crop progress. Corn 36% behind (IL 71% behind). Soybeans not as bad, but getting farther behind.
7 Day precip (through 7 AM Sunday) Over 2” amounts large parts of the state. Isolated amounts up to 5”.
30 Day Precip. Total/% Avg. 150-200% of average east to southeast. Removed central deficits. Still some deficits in the southwest.
90 Day Precip. Total/% Avg. 90 day patterns similar to 30 day with some more extremes (dry).
30 Day Temperatures Cooler than average statewide. Mostly 1-4 F.
US Drought Monitor D0 pockets in North Dakota and Nebraska. Dry areas in Iowa still not to D-levels. Mostly unchanged from last week – very limited concern on dryness.
7 Day Forecast Precip. No improvement – actually a little worsening. Several inches more precipitation possible through the next week. Mostly cool to moderate temperatures (not pictured.)
8-14 Day Temp and Precip. Outlook Cooler and wetter still more likely into next week.
90 Day Temp and Precip. Outlook Persistence of cooler and wetter more likely through the summer.
Take Home Current conditions: Outlook info: Very delayed planting/development across Corn Belt – some progress past week. Updated numbers later today. Cooler than average for May Most soils moist-wet – but not everyone wet last 30-90 days. Still places running behind. Outlook info: Avg. to cooler temps this week and likely next. Wetter than avg. likely also Planting issues likely to continue New outlooks released for summer El Niño likely to continue into summer Moderate to cool temperatures most likely into the summer Avg. to wetter than avg. also mostly likely
Charlene Felkley, Coordinator For More Information Midwest Climate Hub @dennistodey Charlene Felkley, Coordinator Dennis Todey, Director Erica Kistner, Fellow 515-294-0136 515-294-2013 515-294-9602 Research and Science Information Synthesis Tool Development, Technology Exchange, and Implementation Assistance Stakeholder Education, Outreach, and Engagement National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment Attn: Midwest Climate Hub 1015 N University Blvd Ames, Iowa 50011-3611