be going to + infinitive BE GOING TO is a way of expressing future. We can use it for PLANS or for PREDICTIONS (to say what you think or can see is going to happen in the future). With BE GOING TO + INFINITIVE we sometimes use future time expressions: Tomorrow, next week, next year, etc.
+ - plans and predictions I am You are He/She/It is We are They are FULL FORM CONTRACTION + I am You are He/She/It is We are They are I’m You’re He/She/It’s We’re They’re GOING TO have a nice week. study a lot tonight. rain tomorrow. - I am not You are not He/She/It is not We are not They are not You aren’t He/She/It isn’t We aren’t They aren’t have a holiday soon. study French tonight. win the lottery.
plans and predictions ? + - Am I Are you Is he / she/ it Are we Are they GOING TO have a holiday? enjoy next weekend? be very happy in the future? + Yes, I am. you are. he /she/it is. we are. they are. - No, I am not. you aren’t. he /she/it isn’t. we aren’t. they aren’t.