A–C, Midsagittal cervical lateral T2-weighted image (2200/80/1) (A) and axial T2-weighted image (4000/90/2) through the cervical medullary junction (B) show posteriorly located paracentral hyperintense lesion with mild cervicomedullary enlargement. A–C, Midsagittal cervical lateral T2-weighted image (2200/80/1) (A) and axial T2-weighted image (4000/90/2) through the cervical medullary junction (B) show posteriorly located paracentral hyperintense lesion with mild cervicomedullary enlargement. The pattern of extension up to the inferior cerebellar peduncle suggests involvement of the dorsal columns. Midsagittal cervical lateral T1-weighted image (300/15/3) (C) shows slight enlargement of cervical cord Naci Koçer et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 1999;20:1015-1024 ©1999 by American Society of Neuroradiology