Male Seed Retention Can Affect Male Organ Health


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Presentation transcript:

Male Seed Retention Can Affect Male Organ Health

All men, and especially those who are sensually active, are advised to keep an eye on their overall male organ health. After all, when a man has good male organ health, he is more likely to perform at his highest level in bed than he is when male organ health issues are present. There are many ways to practice good manhood care, some of which use scientific evidence to support their efficacy. But many men also use practices that are based not on science but on other factors, like common sense or tradition or folklore. For example, many guys practice male seed retention as one way of improving male organ health and sensual efficacy. But does male seed retention really impact male organ health in this way?

What is male seed retention? For once, a name for a sensual activity or device doesn’t need a lot of explaining. When a man practices male seed retention, it basically means he is taking steps to keep his male seed inside of his body rather than letting it release out. In other words, he is refraining from engaging in sensual activity, either partner-based or with himself.

Some male seed retentionists say this definition is not 100% accurate. They say that a man can be sensually active – he just has to stop short of actually releasing. More hard-liner male seed retentionists disagree; they say that men naturally lose some seed during pre-sensual engagement when pre-release seed escapes from the member to provide natural lubrication and so should refrain from sensual activity even if it stops short of release. Whichever definition one uses, the main theme is clear: these people believe there are benefits to male seed retention. So what are they?

Benefits One of the benefits that male seed retentionists promote is that it enables a man to produce a bigger load – and there is certainly some truth to this. However, this largely depends upon what a man’s typical release schedule is and how that changes if he decides to retain his male seed. A man who self-pleasures twice a day and cuts down to doing so twice a week should certainly see some difference, as it gives his body more time to produce male seed. However, a man who releases once a week and who decides to store his male seed for a full month won’t really see an increase in male seed production during that time.

Some claim that fewer releases results in more energy. There’s a basis for this, in that one of the hormones released during the height of pleasure is prolactin, and it does tend to make a guy feel a bit drowsy. But it is questionable whether this alone would account for feeling more energetic. Perhaps this effect is seen more in men who engage in self- pleasure regularly for lengthy periods of time before bed and who simply get more sleep when they refrain from releasing. For men wanting to sire a child, male seed retention makes sense, as refraining from releasing for a week or so has been associated with greater male seed motility, or how well they swim. Similarly, it’s thought that male hormone levels will increase when a guy shoots less frequently. Studies are needed, however, to verify exactly how this works and whether the difference is significant.

Some enthusiasts believe that male seed retention can even lengthen a man’s life and increase his cognitive function; but again, more evidence is needed to prove or refute claims like these. So, male seed retention, at least within reason, does not harm male organ health and may benefit it. Certainly one thing that CAN benefit male organ health is regular use of a first-rate male organ health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It is best to look at the crème’s ingredients and be sure it includes a range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D, and E. The best crème will additionally include L-arginine, which helps boost nitric oxide production and helps keep male organ blood vessels open and flowing.Man 1 Man Oil