5 functions of the 5S Methodology Example of the 5s Methodology Sort Set in Order Shine Standardize Sustain The 5S Method is a standardized process that when properly implemented creates and maintains an organized, safe, clean and efficient workplace. The intent of the 5S method is to improve efficiency by eliminating any sort of waste. 5 functions of the 5S Methodology Sort: Separating the essential from the nonessential items Straighten: Organizing essentials so everything has a rightful place. Shine: Cleaning the work area Standardize: Establishing a system to maintain Sustain: Establishing a safe and sanitary work environment Example of the 5s Methodology Before 5-S: A room full of inventory that is unorganized, messy, and has become a safety hazard due to space issues. After 5-S: A room full of inventory that is stored in a specific way, cleaned for easy use and easily accessible.