Recap: what are the main impacts of deforestation?
Managing the rainforest sustainably
RESOURCES NEEDED Print these two back to back on an A3 sheet
Use Page 78-81 to complete the A3 sheet Why Does the Tropical Rainforest need to be managed sustainably Use Page 78-81 to complete the A3 sheet
Strategies for managing the tropical rainforest Why Does the Tropical Rainforest need to be managed sustainably Sustainability: avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. If the Goods and services of the tropical rainforest are not protected, then they will soon become lost forever. Sustainable management means using goods and services in such a way that they are still available for the benefit of people in the future. Otherwise the stock of the rainforest will be gradually exhausted. Further large scale deforestation has NO place in any sustainable management of the rainforest. Strategies for managing the tropical rainforest Global strategies (international) National strategies (government) Local strategies… These are agreements between governments aimed at protecting the biodiversity and resources of the rainforest. In terms of conservation and education, achieving a sustainable balance between protection and development in the tropical rainforest is the prime responsibility of government. …in areas with logging: …in areas still untouched by logging Inter-government agreements on hardwoods and endangered species Selective logging: Stopping illegal logging Debt reduction by HICs Agroforestry Replanting Conservation and education by NGOs
This is the Yachana Ecolodge in the Amazon Next Geography Field Trip?? This is the Yachana Ecolodge in the Amazon
14 cabins in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest.
This is the view from the window!
All holiday packages to Yachana Lodge & Yachana Training Center include local round trip transportation between El Coca and the lodge, accommodations, meals and all the activities while at the lodge.
Ecotourism in the Amazon Rainforest The Yachana ecolodge is next to the Napo River - a tributary of the Amazon - which is close to the village of Mondana. It is set in its own, protected, 1200-hectare section of rainforest, which is home to thousands of species of tropical plants and animals. Yachana is a two-hour motorized canoe ride up the Napo River from the city of Coca, Ecuador. The ecolodge is also accessible by bus and by car from Quito and nearby Loreto. Since 1995, the non profit mission of the Yachana Foundation has been dedicated to finding sustainable solutions in the struggle between the ideals of rainforest preservation and the realities of life in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Yachana Lodge was created to be a source of financial support to projects of the Yachana Foundation and 100% of the proceeds from your visit go to supporting the foundation’s non-profit programs. Projects include: education, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and entrepreneurialism that benefit local indigenous and mestizo youth from the Amazon region. Ecotourism usually involves small-scale tourism. The Yachana ecolodge in the Amazon Rainforest is one example of an ecotourism development. The ecolodge is a guesthouse where a small number of ecotourists can stay. Its basically a small environmentally friendly hotel that is surrounded by nature. Every one of the 14 rooms has a view of the river, safe drinking water and a private bathroom with a hot shower. Its dining room serves the guests meals made from locally grown food. Most of the people who work at Yachana are local. They have jobs in the kitchen, dining room, garden - and help to look after the guests and their bedrooms. The lodge also employs Amerindian guides to show guests the forest environment and its creatures, how local people live and eat and how they use plants for medicines. The Yachana ecolodge offers a range of ecotourism activities. They involve visiting the natural environment in small groups and causing as little harm as possible to the area and to the local people. The activities help tourists to better understand the environment and the lives of local people. Activities include: rainforest hiking bird watching swimming in the Napo River canoeing photography visiting the local village learning to make traditional 'mokaua' pottery taking part in a traditional ceremony visiting a nearby biological research station How is Ecotourism good… …for the environment ….for local economy… …for people’s lives Quick Fact: “Yachana” means “a place for learning” in the indigenous Kichwa language Next 3 slides are info to fill in this table – might want to make students move around the room and print the next three slides. How does ecotourism help sustainable development? Ecotourists visit the Amazon rainforest because of its natural rainforest: Ecotourism brings money to the area The forest and its wildlife become economic resources - and so do the traditions of its local people Local people, local government and local businesses value nature and tradition more The environment and traditional ways are sustained
How it benefits the environment Ecotourism means that the environment the ecotourists are visiting will be looked after. The trees are not cut down, but conserved for the future, because the forest is now an important attraction and economic asset. Ecotourism is small-scale, ecotourists travel in small groups. This means that they consume few resources, cause little pollution and are less likely to cause physical damage, like trampling vegetation. The Amazon rainforest is an important global resource. By absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the trees act as a brake on increased global warming. Therefore, anything which promotes their preservation is a real benefit - not just for the local environment but for the world. The Yachana ecolodge recycles its waste and uses renewable solar power
How it benefits the LOCAL economy Ecotourism developments, such as the Yachana ecolodge mostly employ local people. Their wages are then spent in local markets - multiplier effect Ecotourism also provides local farmers with two new markets: the tourist developments themselves. like the ecolodge, plus the local people who work for the ecolodge and who don't have time to grow their own food any more, because they're too busy with their tourism jobs Ecotourists like to visit villages and interact with the people. They pay for extra services and buy souvenir handicrafts from them. This puts more money into the local economy - the multiplier effect
How it benefits people’s lives (social) As a result of ecotourism, some local people can now afford consumer goods, like televisions and radios - and motorboats instead of canoes. These change people's traditional lives and can be seen as a negative impact. But many younger people welcome them. The extra money in the local economy means that more can be spent on healthcare and education - leading to higher literacy levels and life expectancy Because more people are better off now, as a result of ecotourism, fewer fell the need to migrate (move away) to cities in search of work. Many migrants are younger adults, who leave an older population behind. One result of less migration from the Amazon is a better balance of people from different age groups - with more younger, fitter people to earn money, grow food and look after the elderly.
Questions: Questions: Why might it be difficult to persuade locals that selective logging is a good idea? (3) ‘the rainforest can be saved through tourism’. Illustrate this point of view using a case study (8) Extension / Homework Read the Geo factsheet Visit the Yachana Ecotourist website (on A3 sheet) and make notes on the types of tours etc that you can do. For each thing, consider how it helps to promote the rainforest and protect it. TASK: Use your research to write 5 tweets about your visit to the lodge e.g the two hour boat ride along the Napo river was incredible, the view is spectacular #usingtechnologytolearn Questions: