8th Science Course Overview
Policies & Procedures
Homework Policy All homework assignments are due at the beginning of the class period. Worth 5 points (more on that later) 3 late homework assignments will result in academic notice (a-note) home to parents.
Late Work Policy Loss one point for every day any assignment, regardless of category, is turned in late. If the assignment is to be turned in electronically, weekends and holidays will count towards days late. If the assignment must be hard copy, only school days will count.
Exams Students will receive an in-depth study guide before exams. The midterm will cover information learned in August – December. the final exam will cover January – May. Exams are calculated into semester averages, not quarterly grades. Homework, classwork, quizzes, and especially tests should be considered as study materials for exams.
Extra Help Available Tuesday afternoons from 3:20- 4:00pm. Students should provide advance notice. Students should come prepared with an idea of what you would like to be covered. I can also facilitate tutoring opportunities with trusted class leaders.
Grading Done on a total points scale. (Total points earned)/(Total points possible). No Homework = 10%, Quizzes & Classwork = 20%, Tests = 50% Homework: 5 points (~ 1 assingment per week) Quizzes and Classwork: 25 points (8+ per quarter) Tests and projects: 100 points. (2-3 per quarter)
Course Overview
Unit 1: Chemistry the classifications and properties of matter and the changes that matter undergoes.
Unit 2: The Diversity of Life The student will demonstrate an understanding of how Earth’s biological diversity has changed over time. Fossils, geologic time, extinction, natural selection. Field trip to the Mace Brown Natural History Museum at CofC
Unit 3: Forces and Motion the effects of forces on the motion of an object. Newton's Laws
Plate Tectonics the theory of plate tectonics and the major geological processes which occur at plate boundaries. Earthquakes, plate boundaries, the rock cycle, rocks and minerals.
Other things to look forward to: Math & Science Olympiad First quarter: Chemistry Scrapbook Second quarter: Passion scrapbook Third and fourth quarters: Passion Projects.