MARYLAND DREAM ACT Baltimore Immigration Legal Clinic 7 East Baltimore Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202 Patricia Chiriboga-Roby 410-244-0002
What does this law do? All Maryland kids whose families pay Maryland taxes should pay in-state tuition. This is about fairness for all kids. The law gives veterans more time after discharge to qualify for in-state tuition.
DREAM Background There are 12 other states that have also passed local DREAM laws. The Maryland DREAM law passed in 2011 and it is the most strict of all. Opponents collected signatures to put the DREAM law to referendum on November 6, 2012. Maryland voters need to understand the law.
Who will be eligible? Kids who: Work hard, speak English, and attended high school in Maryland for at least three years; Receive a high school diploma or equivalent in Maryland; and Apply to the local community college within 4 years of graduation.
Requirements to qualify for the DREAM ACT Must have filed Maryland taxes for a minimum of three years and continue filing; Must register with selective service; Must agree to apply for permanent residence when eligible, if not already a permanent resident.
Why is this law necessary? It makes the rules the same for everyone. Without the Dream Law, talented Maryland kids have to pay double or triple the tuition rates that their classmates pay, if they are not permanent residents yet or are undocumented. This is unaffordable for most and it is unfair. The DREAM Act lets all Maryland kids pay the same tuition if they have filed their Maryland taxes.
Why is the Dream Law good for Maryland? Maryland believes in education and in giving every kid the opportunity to learn. Investing in kids who grow up here and pay taxes means that they will earn more and will pay more taxes to Maryland. Talented Kids who love this country and work hard deserve an equal chance at education.
REVIEW: Who is affected ? Young people who grow up in Maryland Immigrant kids who work hard, speak English, and graduate from high school in Maryland. Kids who want to go to college in Maryland so they can fulfill their potential and give back to the state that has given them this opportunity.
IN A NUTSHELL It is a simple matter of fairness. Maryland kids whose families pay Maryland taxes should pay in-state tuition at State colleges and universities.
If I want the DREAM law to pass on 11/6/12, what can I do? Pledge To Vote YES on DREAM & Collect Commitments from others.