Brain cancer! By: rory.


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Presentation transcript:

Brain cancer! By: rory

What is it Cancer is an infectious disease that can attack and part on the body some types of cancer can be removed and some can’t be removed. Cancer is caused by a mass of cancer tissue (tumor) that interferes with brain functions such as muscle control,sensations,memories,and other normal body functions.tumors composed of cancer cells are called malignant tumors, and those that are mostly composed of noncancerous are called benign tumors.

Main symptoms Vision problems such as blurred vision, double vision, or loss of peripheral vision Loss of sensation Speech difficulties Seizures,especially in people with no history of seizures The treatments are surgery,radiation,and chemotherapy but it depends on the patient's age health and the size,grade,type, and location of the tumor. We don't know if it can affect everyone but when people find out they have cancer they are very scared

The system it affects It affects the nervous system and it can affect other systems if it spreads. This can affect the brain and everything connected with the nervous system. It only affects the brain but it can also affect all the systems

The affected system The function of the affected system is to give feeling to the body help move the body and it keeps the other systems going. Brain Spinalcord nerves


SCIENCE 8 Cells and Systems Unit Project Choose one disorder, disease or medical condition that could happen in one of the body systems: (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, excretory, skeletal, muscular or nervous). You can present the information in format of choice: poster, google slides Describe the disorder or disease: Slide 1:Title of disease/disorder /1 Slide 2: What is it? /3 How is it caused? /2 Picture of disease/disorder /3

Slide 3: What are the symptoms? /2 What is the treatment? /2 Can it affect everyone? /2 Slide 4: Which system does it affect? /1 Which organs in the system does it affect? /1 Does it affect more than just the system you chose (eg: lung cancer affects the respiratory system but can also affect the circulatory system) /2 Slide 5 Describe the function of the affected body system (from slide 4) /3 List the organs involved with this system /2 Picture of the body system /2

Slide 6: Sources /2 Creativity of slides /2 OUT OF 30