English 10 – 11/2/15 Why or why shouldn’t the movie end unhappily? Why did the chicken cross the basketball court? Battology – Excessive repetition in speech or writing Goals – Discuss the connections between Cool Hand Luke and Self-reliance. Compare and contrast. Homework – Complete the Venn diagram comparing and contrasting you and Luke. Don’t forget to study Vocabulary # 7 for quiz Friday. Because the ref was calling fowls.
English 10 - 11/3/15 I never planned anything in my life. - -- Cool Hand Luke. Why do hens lay eggs? Amphigory – Writing that sounds good but lacks sense. Goals – Clarify our thinking about key vocabulary. Discuss the project. Homework – Begin collecting images for your non linguistic representations. Because if they dropped them they would break.
English 10 - 11/4/15 Should people believe anything they want and do anything they want? Would that be self-reliant or something else? Why did the lollipop cross the road? Adoxography – writing cleverly on a trivial subject. Goals – Work on Cool Hand Luke projects. Comparison/Contrast chart. Toulmin Model. Homework - Continue to work on your comparison and contrast chart. Prepare for make up exam? It was stuck to the chicken.
English 10 - 11/5/15 Five minutes to study for vocabulary quiz #7. No matter how much you push the envelope, it is still stationery. Jiggle-bar – or rumble strip, the rough spots put on a highway to awaken drowsy drivers before they go off the road. Goals – Complete study of vocabulary #7. Homework – collect more images for your non-linguistic representation. Prepare for make up Final?
English 10 - 11/6/15 Do you know good people that still get in trouble? Why? Why did the egg cross the road? Viaggiatory – traveling frequently. Goals – Discuss assignment sheet for CHL. Homework - Don’t forget to study Vocabulary # 8 for quiz next Friday. It had an inclination.