SPS 2, 3, 4 and 6 during W23-26 2019 D.MCFARLANE EN-ACE-OSS 12/06/2019
SPS 2: Works ongoing W23/24 BA2: Surface Les nids de poules seront traités mardi prochain. Le BA2 restera accessible pendant les travaux. Il serait préférable afin de ne pas nuire à la qualité de la prestation de limité les passages. Transformer consolidation for MBE.2103M (x3 replace by 1) RMT112/A2 Tirage de cables reseau Ethernet et terminaisons locales de ces cables Underground (All Zones) Install Safety Lights & Cable Trays Shaft/TA supprimer pompe eau usee tunnel Installation PPS fibre optique en fond de puit BA2 TT20: Dry riser installation Arc 2+ Vacuum controls consolidation aC coating 17/04/2019 J.MEIGNAN
SPS 2: Works Scheduled W25/26 BA2: Surface MACAO power converters replacement Dismantling of old converters Ncod Transformer consolidation for MBE.2103M (x3 replace by 1) RMT112/A2 Underground: Install Safety Lights & Cable Trays Maintenance préventive des éclairages minimums Shaft/TA Dry riser testing Supprimer pompe eau usee tunnel TT20 Modification of magnet supports?? Arc 2+ aC coating 17/04/2019 J.MEIGNAN
SPS 3: Works ongoing W23/24 BA3: surface De-cabling campaign HV works Transformer maintenance Upgrade of the “Faraday cage” RF powering consolidation Shaft/TA: De-cabling campaign: (morning shift) Coax lines (Afternoon shift) Arc 3-: aC coating LSS3: De-cabling campaign (morning shift) CV piping works (LSS3+) (Afternoon shift) Coaxial lines LSS3+ (Afternoon shift) Helium Recovering line removal The passage of the TIDGV (Tuesday the 11th June at 18:30) 17/04/2019 J.MEIGNAN
SPS 3: Works scheduled W25/26 BA3: surface De-cabling campaign HV works Transformer maintenance Upgrade of the “Faraday cage” RF powering consolidation Shaft/TA: De-cabling campaign: (morning shift) Coax lines (Afternoon shift) Arc 3-: aC coating LSS3: De-cabling campaign (morning shift) CV piping works (LSS3+) (Afternoon shift) Coaxial lines LSS3+ (Afternoon shift) 17/04/2019 J.MEIGNAN
SPS 4: Works ongoing W23/24 All areas: Cabling campaign (BA/shaft/TA/LSS) BA4: EIS upgrade on 2 converters (400V) Maintenance chiller Trane Tirage de cables reseau Ethernet (2019) LSS4: Maintenance sur boite froide Hélium TS45 BB4/ECA4: Transformer consolidation for RBI.410010 (x1 replace by 1) RMT310/B4. MACAO power converters replacement TT40/TI8 Mise a la terre de 20 racks CIWRA situes sous la ligne faisceau du TI8 et TT40 TI8 Smoothing (Vertical) 17/04/2019 J.MEIGNAN
SPS 4: Works scheduled W25/26 All areas: Cabling campaign Maintenance préventive des éclairages minimums BA4: EIS upgrade on 2 converters (400V) Tirage de cables reseau Ethernet (2019) LSS4: Maintenance sur boite froide Hélium TS45 BB4/ECA4: Transformer consolidation for RBI.410010 (x1 replace by 1) RMT310/B4. (TAG41) Access control commissioning of the zone 1st & 2nd stage (access to TI8 possible via TT40.) 1st Stage: 20th & 21st June 2nd Stage 27th & 28th June TT40/TI8 Mise a la terre de 20 racks CIWRA situes sous la ligne faisceau du TI8 et TT40 TI8 Smoothing (Vertical/horizontal) 17/04/2019 J.MEIGNAN
SPS 6: Works ongoing W23/24 BA6: Cast Resin Transformer maintenance Transformer refurbishment RMT117/A6 Surface works FS sprinklers All underground areas: FS WP2 fire detection installation Shaft/TA: FS WP4 Dismantle old Sprinkler system FS WP4 Sprinkler installation LSS6: Sprinkler installation FS WP1 Fire Doors (TBC) Arc 6+: Dry riser Installation 17/04/2019 J.MEIGNAN
SPS 6: Works scheduled W25/26 BA6: Cast Resin Transformer maintenance Transformer refurbishment RMT117/A6 Surface works FS sprinklers Short cable campaign for Access system All underground areas: Maintenance préventive des éclairages minimums FS WP2 fire detection installation Shaft/TA: FS WP4 Dismantle old Sprinkler system FS WP4 Sprinkler installation Lift/Monte-charge maintenance (17/06/19) LSS6: FS WP1 Fire Doors (TBC) Arc 6+: Dry riser Installation 17/04/2019 J.MEIGNAN
Any questions?