1. To review the Audited Financial Statements of the ITU - The Audit Committee met with the External Auditors PWC on June 27, 2019 - The Committee reviewed the Audited Financial Statements of the ITU and believe the Statements are a fair reflection of the financial position of the ITU. - External Auditors indicated that user passwords are not being changed as frequently as good governance procedures dictate. The Committee is recommending that there should be a review of the IT policy.
2. review of the 2020 Budget The 2020 Budget was reviewed by the Committee and no objections were noted - It is being recommended that the budget is presented to the Audit Committee a minimum of one (1) month before the congress for review
3. Policy Documents The Finance and Procurement Manual needs to be completed by staff for review The draft ITU Staff Manual which was recently completed will be reviewed by the new Audit Committee including a policy for salary increases The draft ITU Risk Assessment Document which was to have been completed will be submitted in January 2020
4. Review of ITU Management Controls and Systems ITU should explore engaging a third party in charge of periodical reviews of the applications of managements controls and systems Explore the possibility of the external auditors extending the scope of work to included auditing management controls Restart the annual visits of Audit Committee members to one of the ITU accounting departments per year rotating the countries on annual basis
5. Perform a GAP analysis of ITU’s GDPR compliance vs regulations - The Legal Department is working on the implementation of GDPR. - The External Auditors indicated that they currently do not review GDPR Compliance.