1. PRAYER Prayer is fundamental to every Church Planting Movement (CPM) Focused prayer for the lostness of the people Those who bring the gospel to the lost are persons of prayer
2. WIDESPREAD, ABUNDANT GOSPEL SOWING Sow abundantly,Reap abundantly Many, many, many lost are hearing and understanding the Gospel
3. INTENTIONAL CHURCH PLANTING A deliberate vision and strategy to intentionally start churches that start churches that start churches
Like the Berean Christians, they searched the scriptures diligently 4. SCRIPTURAL AUTHORITY Like the Berean Christians, they searched the scriptures diligently
5. LOCAL LEADERSHIP Foreigners have the self discipline to mentor locals rather than do the job of Church Planting themselves
Unpaid, bi-vocational leaders of grassroots cells and house churches 6. LAY LEADERSHIP Unpaid, bi-vocational leaders of grassroots cells and house churches
7. CELL OR HOUSE CHURCHES Cell churches mostly in urban open societies House churches mostly in rural and restricted access areas
8. CHURCHES PLANTING CHURCHES Not professional church planters
9. RAPID REPRODUCTION Horses – Not Mules!
10. HEALTHY REPRODUCTION Work through the Person of Peace Encourage boldness among new believers Model, Assist, Watch & Leave