How educational technology resources can invigorate your classes New Faculty Teaching Scholars November 12, 2008
Project Areas Learning Space Planning/Implementation Virtual Learning Environment Academic Content & Multimedia Solutions
Activities & Collaborations Blackboard Intercampus Collaboration (BbIC) Faculty learning communities around technologies, in partnership with CERTI Foster collaborative partnerships with faculty, other institutions, vendors
Activities & Collaborations Consult with and survey faculty on instructional needs and tools Explore emerging and innovative learning technologies Seek external funding opportunities (grants, gifts, corporate, etc.)
How can we help you? Help identify solutions for your teaching and learning needs Reduce the “front load effort” required to adopt a particular tool Connect you with colleagues using similar tools and to other resources Answer your questions
Events & Resources EdTech Blog EdTech Website EdTech Website Blackboard Seminar Series Teaching and Learning Technology Conference
Connect with EdTech Office Location: Website: 102A & B Centennial Hall (formerly Univ. Center) Website: Blog: Phone: (573) 341-4131 Email: IT Help Desk 573-341-HELP (4357)