Markéta Tomanová
Content Duties Benefits (course)
OLS test before and after Erasmus+ mobility is compulsory for each student.
Whole process is really simple: student´s e-mail adress is entered to the OLS system by home university. Than he/she will recieve a message with every necessary information in which he/she can also find guides for proper work with the system, videos, presentations etc.
Result of the first test does not affect student´s mobility Result of the first test does not affect student´s mobility! The obtained value serves just for an orientation and thanks of it the student´s other work with the OLS is more effective and comfortable.
MENDELU requirements The OLS test before Erasmus+ mobility is compulsory for each student. A deadline for completing that is 1 month. It counts from the moment when a student receives the information e-mail. It is necessary to bring a printed Print Screen of the test´s result when a student comes to sign his/her Financial Agreement. The document has to contain student´s name. The Print Screen will serve just like a proof that the first test is really completed. Without this document the student´s Financial Agreement cant be signed!
MENDELU requirements Students of MENDELU will be entered to the system from the week commencing 02/11/2015. In case a student will not receive that week any information about the OLS, it is up to him/her to inform the university about the situation. The best way is by using this e-mail adress: It is useful and recommended to mention the working language of student´s mobility in that case.
The stated deadlines it is not possible to extend! MENDELU requirements Each participant of Erasmus+ mobility is obligated to complete the final test in a period of 1 month from receiving a call. The stated deadlines it is not possible to extend!
MENDELU requirements By signing the Financial Agreement student agrees with the Erasmus+ program conditions and requirements. The obligation of completing both OLS tests is also included in that document. If a student does not manage to complete even one of the above mentioned tests, it means a breaking of the signed agreement wich can cause a refunding of a whole grant!!!
This is how the Print Screen of student´s result can looks like.
Benefits This part of the presentation describes just few functions and benefits of the OLS system.
Each student has an opportunity to obtain a licence for online linguistic course. It is possible to use it after completing the first test and accessible during the whole student´s mobility.
A student who does not obtain a satisfactory result in the first test (it means level B1 and worse), will get the course licence automatically. Other students has to ask for her allocation. These students also have an option to choose a different language of theire course.
E. g. : I am going for my study stay to Spain E.g.: I am going for my study stay to Spain. My working language (the language I will study in) will be English. In the OLS test before my mobility I get a result C1 from English. That is why I decided to work on my Spanish wich I will use abroad in a daily life so I will apply my home university (MENDELU) to send me a licence for a spanish course.
The language courses are for free and these languages are offered: English, German, Spanish, Italian, French and Dutch.
The courses are available anytime and anywhere The courses are available anytime and anywhere. It is up to a student how much time he/she wants to invest for a work with the OLS.
The courses include also interactive parts, e. g The courses include also interactive parts, e.g. forum where every OLS participants can comunicate. There are lectors available who are helpful to students. This is really useful especially for improving in conversation.
It is possible to officially valorize the gained results of student´s work within the Europass documents.
A level of the exercises is not limitated by the first test result.
The courses contain also a wide offer of thematic exercises.
There are interesting articles available There are interesting articles available. While reading them a student can display the meaning of a word by mouse click.
The sooner, the longer you can use the OLS system benefits! ;)