Changes in the magnitude in water stores What can cause diurnal (daily)changes between stores of water?
In order for water to change from a solid to liquid and finally to a gas, the water molecule must gain energy. The energy absorbed by water is used to break the hydrogen bonds between groups of molecules. When the bonds are broken between the molecules of ice, it melts and they can circulate as a fluid. The energy required to convert ice into water is called the latent heat of fusion. It takes about 80 calories of heat to convert one gram of ice into water.
Cryospheric processed Evaporation What is evaporation and why does it occur? What does the rate of evaporation depend on? 3 things How does transpiration occur and how significant is it? Condensation What is condensation and how does it occur? What is meant by adiabatic cooling? Explain the 3 mechanisms that cause condensation to occur – convection, relief, frontal Cloud formation What is fog How are clouds classified? Precipitation What is precipitation and what forms can it take? Explain the 2 mechanisms that lead to precipitation. How do levels of precipitation vary with distance from the equator? Cryospheric processed What is the difference between sublimation, de-sublimation and melting?