Please sit where you want….but ….. Don’t sit in the individual desks on the side of the room And Please sit in groups of 4, not 3, not 2, not 1, but 4. Thank you.
Bell Work 9-1-15 How is a theory in everyday language different than a scientific theory? This bar timer, will start when anywhere on the slide is clicked. The bar will move from left to right and the word ‘End’ will appear at the end, accompanied by a ‘Deep Gong’ sound. It is possible to change the duration of this timer to any time, by entering the animation settings, and changing the timing for ‘rectangle 3’. Note the time has to be entered as a number of seconds – so if you want 2mins & 30secs – this is entered as 150 (60X2 + 30 = 150).
Scale Scale Description 4 develop a strategy to solve a scientific problem. use diagrams and models to represent and solve a scientific problem explain ways in which a scientific problem can be solved. 3 You Can: define a problem based on a specific body of knowledge conduct systematic observations use tools to gather, analyze, and interpret data pose answers, explanations, or descriptions of events use appropriate evidence and reasoning to justify these explanations to others communicate results of scientific investigations 2 determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other astronomy specific words define a scientific problem describe the safety precautions that should be taken when starting a specific scientific investigation 1 recognize from a list the key parts of a specific body of knowledge state the safety precautions that should be taken when starting a specific scientific investigation
Job 1 – Leader Ensure that each member of the group contributes, that everyone’s ideas are represented, and that the group stays on task to finish the activity in the allotted time. This doesn’t mean you are in charge, only that you are responsible for your group finishing and working together. Job 2 – Recorder Will write the group consensus answers on the answer sheet and to be sure that the assignement is turned in before the due date. This person will not be the same every time! Job 3 – Skeptic Your role is to ask “are we sure?” and “Why do you think that?” Basically double checking your answers, all the time! Job 4 – Explorer Needs to try to investigate ideas and areas that no one else has considered. To think outside of the box.
Things to keep in mind Weigh your gum with the wrapper on (you don’t know what chemicals have been placed on that scale.) if you weighed it originally with the wrapper on, you need to take that extra weight into consideration tomorrow (how will you do that?) As you are chewing your first piece of gum, you should be coming up with your second experiment Put your post-it full of gum on the front table when you are done.
Please, Please, Please, be careful not to get gum everywhere. Please!