Dept of ECM Verilog HDL Verilog Evolution Verilog Attributes The verilog language Verilog Evolution Verilog was designed in early 1984 by Gateway Design Automation Gateway Design Automation and its Verilog-based tools were later acquired by Cadence Design System In an effort for popularizing Verilog, in 1990, OVI (Open Verilog International) was formed and Verilog was placed in public domain In 1993, efforts for standardization of this language started. Verilog became the IEEE standard, IEEE Std , in 1995 A new version of Verilog was approved by IEEE in This version that is referred to as Verilog-2001
Dept of ECM Cont.. Verilog Attributes i.Switch level ii.Gate level iii.Pin-to-Pin delay iv.Bussing specifications v.Behavioral level vi.System utilities vii.Programming language interface (PLI) The verilog language
Dept of ECM Elements of Verilog Hardware Modules module module-name List of ports; Declarations... Functional specification of module... endmodule Primitive Instantiations module MultiplexerA (input a, b, s, output w); wire a_sel, b_sel, s_bar; not U1 (s_bar, s); and U2 (a_sel, a, s_bar); and U3 (b_sel, b, s); or U4 (w, a_sel, b_sel); endmodule
Dept of ECM Cont.. Assign statements Condition expressions Procedural blocks Module instantiations module MultiplexerD (input a, b, s, output w); reg w; (a, b, s) begin if (s) w = b; else w = a; end endmodule module MultiplexerC (input a, b, s, output w); assign w = s ? b : a; endmodule module ANDOR (input i1, i2, i3, i4, output y); assign y = (i1 & i2) | (i3 & i4); endmodule module MultiplexerE (input a, b, s, output w); wire s_bar; not U1 (s_bar, s); ANDOR U2 (a, s_bar, s, b, w); endmodule
Dept of ECM RT Level Design
Dept of ECM Component description in verilog Data components Multiplexer Flip-Flop Counter Full adder Shift register ALU Interconnections Controllers Synchronizer Sequence detector