ACADEMIC INTEGRITY "One falsehood spoils a thousand truths." - Ashanti proverb "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
WHAT IS ACADEMIC DISHONESTY? “Academic dishonesty includes any act which is designed to obtain fraudulently, either for oneself or for someone else, academic credit, grades, or other recognition which is not properly earned. It is to behave, or to help another to behave, so as to improperly advance, protect, or diminish the academic status of individuals or the University.” SHTM Academic Dishonesty Policy, page 1 of 8 "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
ACADEMIC DISHONESTY “Intellectual honesty is a cornerstone of all academic and scholarly work.” The University, including the School of Health Technology and Management, views any form of academic dishonesty as a serious matter. SHTM Academic Dishonesty Policy, page 3 of 8 "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
Approximately 75% of college students admit to cheating How many of you have observed someone cheating? Were there any consequences to the student for cheating? What was the most creative form of cheating you ever saw? (Cheating in College, HUFFPOST, 2014) "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
WHY DO COLLEGE STUDENTS CHEAT? "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
WHAT DO FACULTY EXPECT FROM YOU? We expect you to do your own work AND to come see us if you are experiencing any type of difficulty with your course work. "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
WHAT ARE THE MOST COMMON FORMS OF ACADEMIC DISHONESTY WE SEE? "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
MOST STUDENTS GET INTO TROUBLE BY…. Plagiarizing “The submission of another's work as one's own original work without proper acknowledgment of the source.” SHTM Academic Dishonesty Policies and Procedures, page 1 of 8, Using words, phrases, sentences, and/or paragraphs written and/or spoken by someone else throughout their paper and not thinking that they need to reference those words, phrases, sentences and/or paragraphs. "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
IS THIS CONSIDERED ACADEMIC DISHONESTY? Working on homework, projects or papers with other students “Students may be found guilty of academic dishonesty on the basis of similarity between exams, papers, or other work even though there were no witnesses to communication between the accused students.” SHTM Academic Dishonesty Policies and Procedures, pp. 3-4 Group projects Homework assignments "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
IS THIS CONSIDERED ACADEMIC DISHONESTY? Studying from old exams “Circulation and/or use of unauthorized “old exams”.” SHTM Academic Dishonesty Policies and Procedures, page 2 of 8 Taking sentences that you think are worded particularly well and including them in your paper without crediting the author or using quotation marks “In cases of suspected plagiarism, a dramatic change in writing style may contribute toward a finding of guilty; identification of source material strengthens the accusation.” SHTM Academic Dishonesty Policies and Procedures, page 4 of 8 "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
IS THIS CONSIDERED ACADEMIC DISHONESTY? Signing someone else’s name on the attendance sheet or using someone’s clicker (who is not in class) to ‘click’ in for them so they won’t be counted absent “Academic dishonesty includes any act which is designed to obtain fraudulently, either for oneself or for someone else, academic credit, grades, or other recognition which is not properly earned.” SHTM Academic Dishonesty Policies and Procedures, page 1 of 8 "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
A 2010 study by The Yale News showed that most students had never read the school’s policy on academic honesty, and most were unsure of the rules on sharing or recycling their work. "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
STUDENTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES Be responsible for the integrity of your actions Accept the consequences if you choose to participate in this behavior Report academic dishonesty on the part of other students Understand your role in the creation of a community that encourages honesty and integrity "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
ANY QUESTIONS? For more detailed information see Academic Dishonesty Policies and Procedures, section of the SHTM Policy and Procedure manual. "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation
References Academic Policies & Procedures. Academic Dishonesty. School of Health Technology and Management. Retrieved August 18, 2018 from Cheating in College: Where It Happens, Why Students Do It and How to Stop It. HuffPost. (Apr 22, 2014). Retrieved August 18, 2018 from Studies Show More Students Cheat, Even High Achievers. The New York Times. Retrieved August 18, 2018 from ( Burt, D., Cheating confusion persists. Yale News. Dec 01, 2010. "Reproduction of this material is prohibited without the author's consent." Health Science Orientation