IPA 2008 – support to environment Brussels, 28th November PEIP Regional Meeting Joanna Fiedler European Commission DG Environment
Component III, IV, V for Candidate countries Structure of IPA Component I Component II Component III Component IV Component V Transition Assistance and Institution Building Cross-border Co-operation Regional development Human resources development Rural development Component III, IV, V for Candidate countries
Component I Institution building and transition assistance National programmes (environmental projects) Regional and horizontal programmes (multi-beneficiary programmes) environmental projects Status in November – approved by IPA Committee awaiting Commission decision!!! Presenting an overview of main environmental projects in IPA Component I – details in the Commission Decisions – DG ELARG web site.
IPA 2008 ~ 60 mln for env (Comp I national) CARDS ISPA PHARE IPA 2007 ~63 mln for env (Comp I national) IPA 2009
NATIONAL PROGRAMMES Albania Consolidation of the Environmental Monitoring system in Albania (2.0 mln Euro) Improvement of environmental data quality through expansion and consolidation of a sustainable, integrated and effective environmental monitoring system capable of using the environmental norms and directives of EU as a general reference framework
Bosnia and Herzegovina Strengthening of Bosnia and Herzegovina Environmental Institutions, preparation for pre-accession funds and support to environmental infrastructure development (4 mln Euro) Component 1 – capacity building on project preparation Component 2 – support to needed investments project (project preparation actions)
Croatia Enforcement of the new Environmental Protection Act harmonised with EU legislation in cases of criminal offences against the environment (1.045 mln Euro) Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Strengthening the central and local level capacities for environmental management (EUR 3.1 mn) Focus on waste management, IPPC, air quality, EIA
Montenegro Upgrading of Environmental Infrastructure (3.5 mnl) - Construction of the Niksic wastewater treatment plant to standards that meet EU Directives. - Supervision of the procurement and construction activities. - Training of operational and maintenance staff. Tariffs will be increased, taking account of affordability, to meet operating and maintenance costs. Support for Environmental Management (1 mln euro) - EPA development, polluter register, awareness raising
Serbia Hazardous waste management (1.5 mnl euro) Municipal Infrastructure support programme (45 mnl euro) (project preparation and implementation) Assistance in Implementing of Chemical Management System (1.5 mln) Environmental Protection at Thermal Power Plants (11 mln euro)
Kosovo under UNSC 1244/99 Improving Environment (18 mln Euro) Drinking water supply is improved in Mitrovica and Pristina regions and remaining dumpsites are to be closed.
Turkey The REACH Chemicals Project (2.25 mln Euro) Improving Emissions Control (1.9 mln Euro) to transpose and implement National Emission Ceilings Directive (2001/81/EC) in Turkey. Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (2.3) reform of the administrative, legal and technical structures to implement integrated environmental permitting systems/procedures for IPPC installations in Turkey Mining Waste Management (4 mnl Euro)
IPA 2008 Regional Programme Sava River Basin Management Plan (1.3 mln) Improve integrated water management of the Save river basin. Sava River basin Analysis report Save river basin management plan Identification of investment projects (to implement the river basin management plan) Meetings and workshops Stakeholders dialogue Guidelines to establish water pricing policies (WFD)
IPA 2008 Regional Programme DABLAS Support and Secretariat Services (0.5 mln) (PHARE 2006 and IPA 2007) Facilitate the approximation to the EU acwuis in the field of water Project pipeline updated Secretariat meetings Training, guidelines, Projects identification, guidelines on preparation
Joanna Fiedler Desk Officer Relations with IFIs Serbia and Syria Turkey investments Coordinator of ISPA/PHARE/CARDS/ IPA Unit for Enlargement and Neighbouring Countries European Commission – DG Environment Email: joanna.fiedler@ec.europa.eu Tel: 0032-2-2990310