Today’s advanced dental treatments and materials can give you a healthier, more complete smile that can last you a lifetime. Your St. Thomas, VI dentist, Dr. Jones, Dr. Jones, Dr. Cabbell, Dr. Tingling or Dr. Wall, can help revitalize and maintain your teeth and gums, giving you the smile you’ve always wanted. Dental Treatments
Dentistry has evolved. People are now turning to cosmetic dentistry, also known as aesthetic dentistry, to improve their appearance. This is no different from cosmetic surgery or even trying a new hairstyle. Technological advancements in the industry with tooth-coloured, natural-looking dental materials make cosmetic dental procedures and treatments durable.
Many cosmetic dental treatments are only available to adults through private treatment, although some tooth restoration procedures e.g. fillings and crowns, are available to NHS patients. The cost of cosmetic dental procedures will vary, depending on what is required and who is carrying it out, but some courses of treatment e.g. veneers, can run into many thousands of pounds.