“Algorithm Issues” in a Canine Hemogram Dennis B. DeNicola, DVM, PhD, DACVP Chief Veterinary Educator IDEXX Laboratories
11 year-old, intact male Beagle WBC = 18.69 K/L HIGH ( 5.50 – 16.90 ) LYM = 3.00 K/L ( 0.70 – 4.90 ) MONO = 2.73 K/L HIGH ( 0.10 – 1.40 ) NEU = 12.24 K/L HIGH ( 2.00 – 12.00 ) EOS = 0.62 K/L ( 0.10 – 1.49 ) BASO = 0.11 K/L HIGH ( 0.00 – 0.10 ) %LYM = 16.0 % %MONO = 14.6 % %NEU = 65.5 % %EOS = 3.3 % %BASO = 0.6 % HCT = 52.5 % ( 37.0 – 55.0 ) RBC = 7.80 M/L ( 5.50 – 8.50 ) HGB = 19.5 g/dL HIGH ( 12.0 – 18.0 ) RETIC = 38.9 K/L %RETIC = 0.5 % MCV = 67.3 fL ( 60.0 – 72.0 ) RDW = 15.5 % ( 14.7 – 17.9 ) MCHC = 37.2 g/dL HIGH ( 31.0 – 37.0 ) MCH = 25.03 pg HIGH ( 19.50 – 24.50 ) PLT = 156. K/L LOW ( 175 – 500 ) MPV = 29.38 fL PCT = 0.5 % PDW = 19.8 % Differential algorithm issues. Confirm with blood smear.
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Erythron HCT = 52.5 % ( 37.0 – 55.0 ) RBC = 7.80 M/L ( 5.50 – 8.50 ) HGB = 19.5 g/dL HIGH ( 12.0 – 18.0 ) RETIC = 38.9 K/L %RETIC = 0.5 % MCV = 67.3 fL ( 60.0 – 72.0 ) RDW = 15.5 % ( 14.7 – 17.9 ) MCHC = 37.2 g/dL HIGH ( 31.0 – 37.0 ) MCH = 25.03 pg HIGH (19.50 – 24.50 )
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Erythron HCT = 52.5 % ( 37.0 – 55.0 ) RBC = 7.80 M/L ( 5.50 – 8.50 ) HGB = 19.5 g/dL HIGH ( 12.0 – 18.0 ) RETIC = 38.9 K/L %RETIC = 0.5 % MCV = 67.3 fL ( 60.0 – 72.0 ) RDW = 15.5 % ( 14.7 – 17.9 ) MCHC = 37.2 g/dL HIGH ( 31.0 – 37.0 ) MCH = 25.03 pg HIGH (19.50 – 24.50 ) Hyperchromasia
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Erythron HCT = 52.5 % ( 37.0 – 55.0 ) RBC = 7.80 M/L ( 5.50 – 8.50 ) HGB = 19.5 g/dL HIGH ( 12.0 – 18.0 ) RETIC = 38.9 K/L %RETIC = 0.5 % MCV = 67.3 fL ( 60.0 – 72.0 ) RDW = 15.5 % ( 14.7 – 17.9 ) MCHC = 37.2 g/dL HIGH ( 31.0 – 37.0 ) MCH = 25.03 pg HIGH (19.50 – 24.50 ) Hyperchromasia Physiologically impossible Extracellular hemoglobin (hemolysis)
Erythron Interpretation No significant abnormalities Hyperchromasia Physiologically impossible Probable in vitro or in vivo hemolysis Extracellular hemoglobin present
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Leukon WBC = 18.69 K/L HIGH ( 5.50 – 16.90 ) LYM = 3.00 K/L ( 0.70 – 4.90 ) MONO = 2.73 K/L HIGH ( 0.10 – 1.40 ) NEU = 12.24 K/L HIGH ( 2.00 – 12.00 ) EOS = 0.62 K/L ( 0.10 – 1.49 ) BASO = 0.11 K/L HIGH ( 0.00 – 0.10 ) %LYM = 16.0 % %MONO = 14.6 % %NEU = 65.5 % %EOS = 3.3 % %BASO = 0.6 % Differential algorithm issues. Confirm with blood smear.
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Leukon WBC = 18.69 K/L HIGH ( 5.50 – 16.90 ) Mild leukocytosis
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Leukon WBC = 18.69 K/L HIGH ( 5.50 – 16.90 ) LYM = 3.00 K/L ( 0.70 – 4.90 ) MONO = 2.73 K/L HIGH ( 0.10 – 1.40 ) NEU = 12.24 K/L HIGH ( 2.00 – 12.00 ) EOS = 0.62 K/L ( 0.10 – 1.49 ) BASO = 0.11 K/L HIGH ( 0.00 – 0.10 ) %LYM = 16.0 % %MONO = 14.6 % %NEU = 65.5 % %EOS = 3.3 % %BASO = 0.6 % Differential algorithm issues. Confirm with blood smear. Mild leukocytosis Minimal neutrophilia
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Leukon WBC = 18.69 K/L HIGH ( 5.50 – 16.90 ) LYM = 3.00 K/L ( 0.70 – 4.90 ) MONO = 2.73 K/L HIGH ( 0.10 – 1.40 ) NEU = 12.24 K/L HIGH ( 2.00 – 12.00 ) EOS = 0.62 K/L ( 0.10 – 1.49 ) BASO = 0.11 K/L HIGH ( 0.00 – 0.10 ) %LYM = 16.0 % %MONO = 14.6 % %NEU = 65.5 % %EOS = 3.3 % %BASO = 0.6 % Differential algorithm issues. Confirm with blood smear. Mild leukocytosis Minimal neutrophilia Mild monocytosis
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Leukon WBC = 18.69 K/L HIGH ( 5.50 – 16.90 ) LYM = 3.00 K/L ( 0.70 – 4.90 ) MONO = 2.73 K/L HIGH ( 0.10 – 1.40 ) NEU = 12.24 K/L HIGH ( 2.00 – 12.00 ) EOS = 0.62 K/L ( 0.10 – 1.49 ) BASO = 0.11 K/L HIGH ( 0.00 – 0.10 ) %LYM = 16.0 % %MONO = 14.6 % %NEU = 65.5 % %EOS = 3.3 % %BASO = 0.6 % Differential algorithm issues. Confirm with blood smear. Mild leukocytosis Minimal neutrophilia Mild monocytosis Minimal basophilia
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Leukon WBC = 18.69 K/L HIGH ( 5.50 – 16.90 ) LYM = 3.00 K/L ( 0.70 – 4.90 ) MONO = 2.73 K/L HIGH ( 0.10 – 1.40 ) NEU = 12.24 K/L HIGH ( 2.00 – 12.00 ) EOS = 0.62 K/L ( 0.10 – 1.49 ) BASO = 0.11 K/L HIGH ( 0.00 – 0.10 ) %LYM = 16.0 % %MONO = 14.6 % %NEU = 65.5 % %EOS = 3.3 % %BASO = 0.6 % Differential algorithm issues. Confirm with blood smear. Mild leukocytosis Minimal neutrophilia Mild monocytosis Minimal basophilia
Leukogram Interpretation Mild leukocytosis Minimal neutrophilia Potential “normal” for this animal Potential physiologic (epinephrine) Potential minimal to mild inflammation Mild monocytosis Inflammation associated with tissue demand for macrophages Minimal basophilia Insignificant
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Thrombon PLT = 156 K/L LOW ( 175 – 500 ) MPV = 29.38 fL PCT = 0.5 % PDW = 19.8 %
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Thrombon PLT = 156 K/L LOW ( 175 – 500 ) Thrombocytopenia Mild
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Thrombon PLT = 156 K/L LOW ( 175 – 500 ) MPV = 29.38 fL PCT = 0.5 % PDW = 19.8 % Thrombocytopenia Mild with enlarged platelets
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Thrombon PLT = 156 K/L LOW ( 175 – 500 ) MPV = 29.38 fL PCT = 0.5 % PDW = 19.8 % Thrombocytopenia Mild with enlarged platelets and variably-sized platelets
Thrombon Interpretation Mild thrombocytopenia Probable bone marrow response to peripheral demand for platelets Enlarged platelets Variably-sized platelets Potential mechanism of thrombocytopenia Peripheral blood consumption Peripheral blood destruction
11 year-old, intact male Beagle WBC = 18.69 K/L HIGH ( 5.50 - 16.90 ) LYM = 3.00 K/L ( 0.70 - 4.90 ) MONO = 2.73 K/L HIGH ( 0.10 - 1.40 ) NEU = 12.24 K/L HIGH ( 2.00 - 12.00 ) EOS = 0.62 K/L ( 0.10 - 1.49 ) BASO = 0.11 K/L HIGH ( 0.00 - 0.10 ) %LYM = 16.0 % %MONO = 14.6 % %NEU = 65.5 % %EOS = 3.3 % %BASO = 0.6 % HCT = 52.5 % ( 37.0 – 55.0 ) RBC = 7.80 M/L ( 5.50 – 8.50 ) HGB = 19.5 g/dL HIGH ( 12.0 – 18.0 ) RETIC = 38.9 K/L %RETIC = 0.5 % MCV = 67.3 fL ( 60.0 – 72.0 ) RDW = 15.5 % ( 14.7 – 17.9 ) MCHC = 37.2 g/dL HIGH ( 31.0 – 37.0 ) MCH = 25.03 pg HIGH ( 19.50 – 24.50 ) PLT = 156. K/L LOW ( 175 - 500 ) MPV = 29.38 fL PCT = 0.5 % PDW = 19.8 % Differential algorithm issues. Confirm with blood smear. Confirm with blood smear
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Leukon WBC = 18.69 K/L HIGH ( 5.50 – 16.90 ) LYM = 3.00 K/L ( 0.70 – 4.90 ) MONO = 2.73 K/L HIGH ( 0.10 – 1.40 ) NEU = 12.24 K/L HIGH ( 2.00 – 12.00 ) EOS = 0.62 K/L ( 0.10 – 1.49 ) BASO = 0.11 K/L HIGH ( 0.00 – 0.10 ) %LYM = 16.0 % %MONO = 14.6 % %NEU = 65.5 % %EOS = 3.3 % %BASO = 0.6 % Differential algorithm issues. Confirm with blood smear. Mild leukocytosis Minimal neutrophilia Mild monocytosis Minimal basophilia
Leukon – Peripheral Blood Film Review
Leukon – Peripheral Blood Film Review
Leukon – Peripheral Blood Film Review
Leukon – Peripheral Blood Film Review
Leukon – Peripheral Blood Film Review
Leukon – Peripheral Blood Film Review
Leukon – Peripheral Blood Film Review
Leukon – Peripheral Blood Film Review
Leukon – Peripheral Blood Film Review Eosinophil Basophil Monocyte
Leukogram Interpretation Mild leukocytosis Probable normal neutrophil number Prominent mastocythemia Morphologically atypical mast cells suggesting a neoplastic process Other leukocytes likely in normal numbers
11 year-old, intact male Beagle Thrombon PLT = 156 K/L LOW ( 175 – 500 ) MPV = 29.38 fL PCT = 0.5 % PDW = 19.8 % Thrombocytopenia Mild with enlarged platelets and variably-sized platelets
Thrombon - Peripheral Blood Film Review
Thrombon Interpretation Mild thrombocytopenia Probable bone marrow response to peripheral demand for platelets Enlarged platelets Variably-sized platelets Potential mechanism of thrombocytopenia Peripheral blood consumption Peripheral blood destruction Comments following blood film review Interpretation above confirmed
11 year-old, intact male Beagle WBC = 18.69 K/L HIGH ( 5.50 - 16.90 ) LYM = 3.00 K/L ( 0.70 - 4.90 ) MONO = 2.73 K/L HIGH ( 0.10 - 1.40 ) NEU = 12.24 K/L HIGH ( 2.00 - 12.00 ) EOS = 0.62 K/L ( 0.10 - 1.49 ) BASO = 0.11 K/L HIGH ( 0.00 - 0.10 ) %LYM = 16.0 % %MONO = 14.6 % %NEU = 65.5 % %EOS = 3.3 % %BASO = 0.6 % HCT = 52.5 % ( 37.0 – 55.0 ) RBC = 7.80 M/L ( 5.50 – 8.50 ) HGB = 19.5 g/dL HIGH ( 12.0 – 18.0 ) RETIC = 38.9 K/L %RETIC = 0.5 % MCV = 67.3 fL ( 60.0 – 72.0 ) RDW = 15.5 % ( 14.7 – 17.9 ) MCHC = 37.2 g/dL HIGH ( 31.0 – 37.0 ) MCH = 25.03 pg HIGH ( 19.50 – 24.50 ) PLT = 156. K/L LOW ( 175 - 500 ) MPV = 29.38 fL PCT = 0.5 % PDW = 19.8 % Differential algorithm issues. Confirm with blood smear.