using positive self talk & Building self concept using positive self talk & affirmations.
RECAP: The Self-Esteem Cycle Positive thoughts about yourself will result in positive actions that will positively influence how you feel about yourself.
RECAP: The Self-Esteem Cycle Negative thoughts about yourself will result in negative actions that will negatively influence how you feel about yourself.
So it starts with our thoughts…
We need to replace negative thoughts with positive ones
Some ideas on how to have positive thoughts…. TIP #1 Accept compliments from others
Some ideas on how to have positive thoughts…. TIP #2 WRITE DOWN compliments you receive from others so you can REMIND YOURSELF OF THEM later
TIP #3 Don’t compare yourself to others. Instead, focus on your strengths and the things you love about yourself.
TIP #4 Actively focus your attention to your strengths, achievements and things that make you unique.
Engage in positive self-talk. TIP #5 Engage in positive self-talk.
TIP #6 Use affirmations. Even say them out loud to yourself as you look at yourself in the mirror.
Examples of affirmations…
A few more tips…