Multiple PCA associated with Moya-Moya disease, successfully treated with GDC. A, Frontal view of left internal carotid angiogram showing occlusion of the anterior and a middle cerebral arteries and Moya-Moya collateral circulation. Multiple PCA associated with Moya-Moya disease, successfully treated with GDC. A, Frontal view of left internal carotid angiogram showing occlusion of the anterior and a middle cerebral arteries and Moya-Moya collateral circulation. There is increased flow in a dysplastic and enlarged ipsilateral PCA (arrow).B, Oblique view of the internal carotid angiogram showing an aneurysm originating from the P1/P2 junction of the left posterior cerebral artery (arrow) and a second aneurysm arising from the P2P segment (arrowhead). Note the presence of at least two flow-related aneurysms arising from the supraclinoid segment of the internal carotid artery (double arrows).C, Oblique view of the internal carotid angiogram, obtained 9 months after treatment, shows persistent obliteration of both PCA aneurysms (arrows). Elisa F. Ciceri et al. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2001;22:27-34 ©2001 by American Society of Neuroradiology