IN THE CROSSROADS OF THIS MOMENT In the crossroads of this moment when past and future meet, We would pause to sing your praises, that joy may be complete. Thank you, God, for gifts of music, for the songs we sing and play,
For the poets and composers who taught our hearts to pray. Keep the faithful to the values they labored to uphold, For the treasure they bequeathed us shines bright like burnished gold.
In the crossroads of this moment we glimpse the time to come: The horizon of the new earth where your whole will is done. Leaning forward to the future, still we strain to hear the sound
Of the distant holy chorus, the saints who yet surround. May the whisper of the Spirit inspire tomorrow’s ways, That your church may sing your glory with psalms and hymns of praise. Ruth Duck, 1947- © 2005 GIA Publications, Inc. OneLicense #A-718381