Revolution 4.0 or The 3rd Wave ?
Kondratieff / Schumpeter – Waves .
Kondratiev/ Schumpeter The five waves of Kondratiev/ Schumpeter Wave: First Second Third Forth Fifth Beginning and End 1770/80 to 1830/40 1830/40 to 1880/90 1880/90 to 1920/30 1920/30 to 1970/80 1970/80 To ? Description mechanization Steam power and railway Electric energy, Heavy engineering Mass production, “fordism” I.T.s Key-factor Cotton and cast iron Coal and transport steel Raw oil and derivatives microelectronic, Digital technology Leverager Growth Sectors Clothes and Equipments, Iron casting and molding. Hydraulic energy Steam machines and boats, Railway equipments Electric engineering and equipments , heavy engineering and equipments Cars and trucks, tractors and tanks, Aerospace industry, Durable goods, petrochemicals Informatic and telecomunications equipment, Robotic, info intensive services, softwares Infra-structure Channels, roads railway, World navigation Electric energy highways, aeroports Nets and systems “information highways” Other services growing fast Steam machines, machinery steel, Electricity, gas, Petrochemical sythetic dyes, Heavyt engineering Car and aerospace industry, radio and telecomunications, metals and light alloys, Durable goods, Oil e plastics drugs, Nuclear energy, microelectronic, telecomunications biotechnology, nanotechnology, Spatial activities Leader countries UK, France and Belgium UK, France, Belgium, Germany and the USA Germany, the USA, UK, France, Belgium, Switzerland and Holland The USA, Germany, other Countries from EEC, Japan, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland. Japan, the USA, Germany, other countries From EEC, Taiwan, Korea 3 Prof. Paulo Feldman 3
Nowadays we speak more about revolutions and less about waves, but... Waves 1 and 2 generated Revolution 1.0 Waves 3 and 4 generated Revolution 2.0 Wave 5 is practically the Revolution 3.0
How were the 3 previous revolutions ? Revolution 1.0 - Textil Industry was the focus but needed steam engines which depended on the steel industry, foundry, machining and the new energy source: coal. Revolution 2.0 - Oil and electricity arise and there was a revolution in the way of manufacturing increasing the productivity of items like automobile and steel. Revolution 3.0 - Microprocessors emerged and PCs are spreading. ERPs and robotization appear. Drive : Moore's Law - The processing capacity doubles every 2 years.
Other characteristics of the 3 previous revolutions 1ª revolução 2ª revolução 3ª revolução Period 1760 to 1850 1860 to 1950 1950 to 2030 Material Iron Steel and Cooper Silicon e plastics Energy Coal and Steam Oil and Electricity Nuclear , Wind and Solar Product Clothes and trains Cars , Airplanes and household appliances PCs , Mobiles, Internet and Robots
Is the 4.0 basically a continuation of 3.0 ? No . Because the 4.0 is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical , digital and biological spheres.
The 4.0 is an enormous evolution of 3.0 The possibilities of billions of people connected by mobile devices , with unprecedent processing power , storage capacity and access to knowledge are unlimited.
What is the main modification inside companies regarding management ? It allows companies to connect machines, systems and other assets that gives them the ability to create intelligent networks along the entire value chain, controlling production modules autonomously.
What would happen to the factories ? They will have the capacity and autonomy to schedule maintenance, forecast process failures, and adapt to unplanned production requirements and changes.
The fundamental technologies of 4.0 1. I.o.T- Internet of Things 2. Robots 3. 3D Printers 4. Artificial Intelligence 5. Big Data 6. Nanotechnology 7. Biotechnology and Genetics 8. Energy Storage